Amberlynn meets DEATH NOTE

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[The picture is a random edit I made]

Mello's POV

"What the FUCK!!" I heard L bellow from downstairs. Matt and I exchanged glances and I stood up, pointing towards my gun. If the great L was swearing, it had to be something major. Matt handed me my gun and we rushed downstairs, only to find Near already there, comforting L. "What happened?" Matt and I asked in unison as we entered the room. "Who must I kill, L?" I asked while I cocked my gun, walking over towards him. He was sitting on his swivel chair, his face buried between his knees. "It's Amberlynn" Near whispered.

Matt let out a deep breath of frustration and shut his eyes. "What did she do?" He asked. "My cake. She took it" L managed to say. "Dis fat bitch!! You know what?! Let me take care of her L" I was about to walk out when I felt a firm grip around my wrist. It was Matt. "What?!" I yelled.

He pointed at L who was now standing, and for the first time, not slouching. I could see determination is his eyes, and he had his fists clenched. Shit's about to go down. "I'll deal with it myself, you guys stay here" he ordered and left. I though L was about to throw some kicks at her face or something, but I guess I'll just have to wait and watch. Me, Matt and sheep boy followed him slowly, even though he told us to stay back.

Oh shit!! Wait, y/n - chan, you must be wondering what I'm speaking about. I'm sorry, how rude of me. Let me tell you about the current situation.

Amberlynn is a youtuber famous for her videos about 'weight loss' and 'nutrition', but I highly doubt she understands either of the two. She came over to our place with her girlfriend Becky, and they said they were in dire need for a place to stay. So we, being the nice people we are....allowed them. Which was a big mistake. Now, look....Amberlynn stole L's cake.

Amberlynn's POV

"Gorl this cake is good" I told Becky while I stuffed in another spoon of cake into my mouth. We were enjoying cake, until our room's doorknob turned, and This guy who they call Ryuga or somebody walked in. "Give me back my cake" he walked over towards me. "Hell no!! It's mine now" I screamed, holding onto Becky.

"Give it to me" his fist made contact with my cheek, and the next second I found myself laying down on the ground, Ryuga on top of me. I was hyperventilating at this point, and I didn't know what to do. He took the cake from my hand with more force than necessary, and threw it out the FUCKING WINDOW!! "Mah cayeek" I stood up with tremendous difficulty and waddled all the way towards the window. I felt tears streaming down my cheek, and I choked. "Babe!! I'm coming" Becky yelled, but it was too late. I had already jumped out the window.

Mello's POV

"Bitch what the fuck, did she jump out of the window?" Matt looked at me, taking off his goggles. "I guess so, maybe that was L's plan" I laughed. The other girl named Becky ran down the stairs, and Near let out a slight chuckle. "Come on guys, let's go buy some cake" L turned around. We were about to leave when we heard a familiar voice.

Becky's POV

I ran down the stairs and I didn't find Baby Amber, and I was mortified. Where did she fly? Could an angel have come to the rescue. I began chanting my prayers in the middle of the street, blocking cars from going to their respective destinations. My eyes fluttered open, and when I looked at the sky, I instantly became a witness of the world's greatest miracle. "Amberlynn?"

Mello's POV

I'm pretty sure everyone had a surprised Pikachu face when they were witnessing what was just going on. AMBERLYNN REID HAD JUST BOUNCED BACK UP INTO THE AIR. How is that even possible, it defies the laws gravity!! How can you fly back up like that? Not only that, she managed to fly back in through the window. "L!!" I yelled, running towards him, but she had already fallen inside, squashing L beneath her. "Where's that Ryuga guy?" She questioned us, looking up. "Here" I heard L whimper from beneath her. "L" my voice broke, and within a few seconds, my cheeks were glistening with tears. L was gone, because of this girl.

"AMBERLYNN REID YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!" I pulled my gun out of my pocket. "Mello!" Shithead Near placed his hand on my shoulder. "Stop!!" Matt came in front of the gun.

Me, Matt and Near ran towards her and managed to get her off L. "Matt, call 911" Near yelled as both him and I stared at the now, unconscious L. He was my only inspiration, the only man I looked up to, and now....if he's dead. "Stop!!" Near shook me. "He's alive, don't worry" I could sense that he was worried too. "Don't worry, they're coming" Matt reassured, rubbing my back. "L...."

~A while later~

"L, let's not ever let another person into our house" Matt said. "Yeah, he's right" Near added. I was sitting on the couch, breathing heavily. "Mello I guess you should meditate just to calm yourself down" L suggested. "Yeah I guess so" we all smiled at each other.

That's it....that's what happened. I don't ever want to talk about it again.

A/n - wow!! I was not drunk when I wrote this, in case you were wondering. I just have weird ideas and imagines, and I just note them down. This was one of them.

AMBERLYNN REID Meets DEATH NOTE[Sorry Not Sorry]Where stories live. Discover now