Amberlynn Reid Part 3

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"Baahpolar [Bipolar] disorder is one of the hardest things to handle" I stuffed some hot Cheetos into my mouth while speaking to the camera. I couldn't handle it, I had to eat everytime because....mental health *insert annoying high pitched laugh*
I'm such a dainty gorl, I thought to myself.

"Babe, I'm going to wommart to get some HEALTHY food" I heard Becky yell from the kitchen. "Babe I wanna come toooo" I whined like the cute girl I am. "hell nahh" I gasped, did Becky just say that to me? I quickly switched the camera off and stood up from the chair, with great difficulty. "Babe let me-" I was about to go down the stairs but someone *totally not me* had spilt waddur [Water] there. I let out a scream and I almost flew down the stairs, my arms in the air. For once I felt like I could fly, I felt like a cute little dainty petite butterfly.

Becky's POV

I was sweating like a pig because I didn't wanna take Amber to wommart because I'm afraid she would want to buy everything there, we've been wasting our money for all the unnecessary stuff which probably won't be of any use, like her choker which I can't even see. Like, I just hope one day she doesn't choke wearing a choker because it may choke her and even thought it's a choker it may choke her.

I was speaking to myself about Amberlynn's unseen choker when I heard a thud, and I swear the ground under me vibrated slightly. I quickly gained composure and ran off into the direction from where the sound came from, and there I saw....a pile of clothes. Wait....that's not a pile of's Amberlynn!! "Baby!!" I tried my best to run towards her. She lay there, face down. In the process of trying to get her up, I unfortunately fell on her....making her even more breathless. "Becky!" She yelled, while I used all my strength to get up off her.

Amberlynn's POV

Becky had fallen on me and I was crying because I was in pain. Unfortunately I was not the cute butterfly anymore, I had fallen down gracefully. I may or may not have broken my nose.

Neighbour's POV
I was walking past the house when I saw Becky lying on Amberlynn in front of the stairs. I instantly regretted looking through the window, I have no idea what goes on in their house.

A while later

Becky's POV

"Babe, my back hurts" Amber whined.

"Of course it would you dumb bitch, you fell down the stairs, YOU!! YOU!! FELL down the stairs....I hope the ground is ok" is what I wanted to say but obviously I didn't. "I know babe, you'll get better soon....just lie down for a while" I shrugged.

"My camera" were the two words I didn't want to hear escaping her almost non existent lips which are almost being engulfed by her face fat.
I let out a deep breath and stood up.

Amberlynn Reid's POV

"Hey guise" I switched my camera on. "The video got cut off because I had forgotten to charge it. I'm lying in bed now because I'm so tired" I lied to the camera. I'm so used to it now hahahaha. "That's it for today guise, I just wanted to give ya'll an update about what was happeneen in my life" I waved at the camera and switched it off.

"Today wasn't such a great day, but are we still going to wommart Becky??"

Author's note - sorry this isn't so good lmao, I'm too busy with stuff so I'm finding it hard to update, but I got some free time :D so here's another chapter. Also, do you want me to make another chapter with Death note and Amberlynn Reid?? Let me know (^ ^) even if you have any other scenarios or suggestions....cause for now it's just Amberlynn falling all the time lol

AMBERLYNN REID Meets DEATH NOTE[Sorry Not Sorry]Where stories live. Discover now