chapter 25.

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"Mhm, not a chance."

I pinch the bridge of my nose from hearing the same exact words for the nth time. "Look, I know what happened last time really scared you guys but we're fine now. Jongin has never been to the mountains and neither have I."

"Kyungsoo, we are not letting you go and end up hurting yourself. We agreed that that was the last time you would travel far from us and look what happened." My Dad had intervened, obviously on my Mom's side. "Could you two at least just think about it? I mean this is my senior year and we're going to be with teachers and lots of other students."

"Kyungsoo, we said no!" My Mom raised her voice making me go silent. I bit down on my bottom lip and turned to my room. I knew Jongin had noticed my eyes water because he was already getting up to hug me. "Hey, Hey, it's okay."

"I just, i really wanted to go on this trip with you. I-I don't know how long we have with each other before.." I began to sob, giving up on trying to talk. "What do you mean? I'm staying with you for as long as you want me to. No one will split us apart."

"Something is bound to split us apart, Jongin." Thinking about this broke my heart and shattered my dreams of becoming something with him. He was my drug and i couldn't let him go because i had already fell far too deep. "I'm not letting that happen. I swear I won't ever let that happen." He tightened his hold as if I would disappear right in front of him. "Please," I sobbed holding him close to me, "Promise me." He nods his head, keeping his promise.

We had fell asleep in each others arms and a few hours later i had been the only one awake, hearing him breath softly next to me. I caressed his hand that was lying on my chest from his arm underneath my neck.

I looked through the corner of my eye at his face that had been illuminated by the moon shining from my window. I took notice of his features, comparing him to his vampire self. He was more intimidating when he was a vampire but now that i see him, i don't think I'll ever be scared of him. He looked like a statue, carefully made to be unique and god-like.

Lying here with him made me realize that my life had completely shifted because of him. I never imagined myself falling in love, but when i did i simply thought about getting married and having two kids with a dog and a cat. Being here with Jongin made me really happy, and looking at him made my heart beat rapidly. Having him touch me gave me chills in the most pleasurable way.

I gasped when his eyes flew open to look at me, his lips curving up into a lazy smile. "What?" He whispered.


He let out a quiet laugh all while pulling me closer to him. "Tell me." This time he whispered into my ear, making me smile at how warm he felt. "I love you." He stopped and pulled away from me to look into my eyes.

"Say it again."

"I love you."

He climbed on top of me, putting his hands in mine. "Again." He leaned in closer, "I love you, Jongin." Capturing my lips in his, not stopping until we eventually had to pull away to breathe.

"I love you too, Kyungoo."

3rd person pov.

It had occured to Junmyeon that something was definitely not right. No one had been telling him the truth and that was the first thing he was going to get out of these three men: Chanyeol, Jongdae, and Sehun.

Living with them for centuries, he had figured out many times when they would lie straight to his face, so when he had pointed this out, they had froze completely caught up in their web of lies. "You all are going to tell me the damn truth right now!" He had hissed, his eyes red in anger.

"Junmyeon please-" Sehun had tried to beg but was silenced by Junmyeon. "Save it! Now, tell me or I will call Yixing." The three looked at each other, gulping as they wait for whoever will speak up.

"When you and Yixing went to the meeting three humans had stepped onto our land to camp. We thought it would be funny to scare them so we ended up kidnapping them-"

"You did what!?" Junmyeon had flipped out, grabbing jongdae and slamming him on the coffee table. Surpringly, it did not break. Sehun and Chanyeol tried to hold Junmyeon back but were thrown across the room at the same time.

"A-And when we all went hunting with Jongin they all escaped. J-Jongin had been following one of them around and I think he's fallen for them."

"Fallen? What the fuck is that supposed to mean!?"

"He likes the human!" Sehun had yelled, clearly angry at being thrown around like a rag doll. "I had no part in this and I wanted them to stop messing around before it all got out of hand."

Junmyeon sarcastically laughs, "Well you did a good job at that. You all need to to tell me where this human is."

"We don't know. We can't pick Jongin up through our senses. He must've done something." Chanyeol explains making Junmyeon even more angrier.

"We need to find Jongin before Taemin or Yixing finds this out. Don't be surprised when we all get killed because the blame is on you all. You're all a disgrace to our kind." He then storms out of the house, leaving the three vampires stunned.

Sehun was the first to react when he attacked Chanyeol. "How could you all! I didn't agree to any of this!" And so Jongdae quickly stood up to help Chanyeol pry Sehun off of him. Chanyeol hadn't reacted to being attacked because he was in a state of shock at how viscous Junmyeon's words were. He would've never expected to hear anything like that about himself.

"Sehun, stop!" Jongdae threw Sehun off, making him hiss. "Don't ever ask me for anything." He stormed out just like Junmyeon had did.

"What are we going to do?" Jongdae asks as Chanyeol sighed. "I don't know."


A/N: i believe things are just about to get more bumpy..

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