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America opened the door and immediately crashed on his bed while Russia entered slowly, paying attention to every little detail of the room, from the walls to the floor, from the posters to the bed.
From his feet to America's head.

The american snapped him out of his focus. "So you're entering or what? Close the door."

Russia nodded and made his way to America scrolling on Instagram, his eyes resting on the other's face.

"What are you looking at? I told you I wasn't gonna work."

He sighed, and sloppily pointed at his desk.

"You can do your thing there, but don't disturb me."

The russian hold both his hands together, resting on his chest as he started walking to the seat he was given, he sat down and started working on his computer.
Actually, working wasn't the best word for this situation, he was more staring at his screen rather than doing anything productive.

His gaze went back and forth to the American. He gasped some air before letting some words escape his mouth.

"The tea in your house is really good."

America looked up to the sudden talk.

" dad's UK."

He rolled his eyes and went back to his phone.

Right...well done Russia. You're really dumb sometimes. You've made a mess of yourself again.

The russian looked back at his computer, sighing.

"America, you have something to say about trust in politics?"

The american answered quickly. "I don't know, do I?"

Russia wasn't used to that arrogant expression taking place on his pale face.

"America, seriously, I need your help on this, I'm stuck."

Like you really care about your grades right now.

"Aw, poor thing. You want a hug? I personally need you to shut up."

Russia smacked his head on the desk and he heard unexpected steps coming next to him, and a sogh reaching to his ear.

"Give me the computer, dickhead."

After a moment of tapping on the keyboard, America cracked his knuckles and looked at the tall country, crossing his arms together.

"Is that good for you?"

Russia read quickly the text.

"Yeah...this is really good, America, I-"

"Look the next one is about dishonesty, should ring a bell to you, shouldn't it?" America stated, pointing to the next paragraph on the file, to finally go back to his bed.

Russia looked down to his legs when he started talking again, his eyes tearing up already as guilt came back slowly in his mind.

"You know I'm sorry..."

America clenched his fists. "I don't need your apologies Russia, I won't forgive you."

"I'm so sorry America..." Russia whispered as he wiped away his tears.

Did America even notice?

The door suddenly bursted open.

"Yo Ame, what's u- oh, hi Russia. Are you crying?"

A judgemental look from Canada made its way to his twin.

"I'm sorry, I think I'll take my's my fault, don't bother." Russia said quickly sliding to the door.

"Don't you fucking dare leave this room."

Canada slammed the door,  pushing back the Russian into the room with a hit in the shoulder. America looked at him, confused, a bit lost maybe and then, his eyes wandered back to Russia. He really was crying, a moment ago, wasn't he? America's feet where now the center of his attention when the canadian's angry face creepily turned into a smile.

"Russia! You should stay over for tonight's party!"

"What? No." America refused, crossing his arms and shaking his head.

Oh there was more to it than his hatred for Russia.

"You have no choice or I'll tell Dad about it."


"WHAT?! You can't do that!" America screamed at his brother, eyes widened as if someone just backstabbed him, which let's be real was figuratively true.

Canada didn't answer, pushing Russia inside America's room.

"Now stop being fucking kids and sort out your shit or I'll tell them, don't test me. I'm out."

The door screeched, Canada left and America and Russia were standing by themselves in the room.
Russia's watery eyes were being wiped by the fabric of his shirt once more, while the american just stood silently next to him.

"I'll go then, I'm sorry."

He could just go now, what did he expect?

"No, you stay."

America grabbed Russia's sleeve and pulled him closer to him. "He will really tell Dad, so you stay, because this is your fault."

Russia freezed for a bit, and nodded. "Okay, I'm sorry."

He would do anything.

"You're annoying saying sorry all the time, I kinda wanna punch you so just shut up now... and learn to get a fucking opinion at the same time."

America facepalmed his forehead before plopping on the mattress after releasing Russia from his grip. You could hear a tiny change of tone in his voice as he spoke again.

"I didn't want to make you cry, but what I said still stands Russia."

He breathed for a bit.

"I won't forgive you."

yo, chapter 6 is out yay.
I have only one left before I'm out of things to publish, let's cry.

Everything's angsty but let me BE.
@/uza.nemu on ig


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