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Russia clicked on the button once more, hoping for a reply. Someone answered the phone.

"Fuck Mex, finally! Shit..." He quickly greeted, hearing just a breath through the phone. "Hello? Mex?"

"Hi, do you- do you want something...?" Mexico sounded painfully quiet.

"Well, uhm...Ukraine came back home very angry and I heard what happened. Are you okay?" Russia coughed for a bit, feeling very uncomfortable. He sat down on his bed, leaning against the wall and looking at his ceiling.

"No." He barely could let out the word he started sobbing. Russia panicked, wondering what he should do as he was holding onto his phone.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

And Mexico vented about it. Russia could hear the pain in his voice as the hispanic explained how millions of butterflies floated throughout his stomach during that quick second. He remembered everything how Canada smelled, how he was gently holding his chin, how he quickly smiled at him...but then the aftermath stroke. Mexico realized how fucked that was, how that would mess everything up.

Canada had left in a rush without saying anything, letting the poor swelling heart of Mexico in a puddle of love and misery. A strangely mixed combo that made the Mexican feel like shit.

He didn't want that to happen, he just wanted to finally get free from his feelings, free from the overwhelming thoughts about Canada everyday. That quick second ruined everything, leaving him to wonder if he even deserved to be let out of that constant feeling of helplessness.

Could he even be happy about it?

He was most worried about Ukraine. He must have been feeling horrible when he learned what happened.

"Russia, can you let me talk to him?" Mexico desperately said. Russia wondered, looking at the staircase. "I'm not sure I can do that but I'll try."

He got up and took a breath before he knocked at the door. His brother had had some time to think and maybe calm down. He at least hoped he's listen. "Ukraine, I have someone on the phone that wants to talk to you."

No answer.

"Please, it's important."

A few steps to the door and a slight push towards the outside. A wet eyed Ukraine opened the door, staring menacingly at his brother. "Who is it?"

Russia turned the phone, letting him discover the name of the caller. He frowned his eyebrows. "You must be fucking kidding me.." He quickly put the phone close to his ear. "YOU HAVE SOME FUCKING NERVE TALKING TO ME AFTER YOU KISSED MY BOYFRIEND, SHITHEAD!" He screamed into the phone letting all his frustration leave. He clenched his fists, still listening to what the other had to say. Ukraine was strangely reasonable about it, surprising his brother, that just looked at him, his two hands fidgeting in the fabric of his shirt.

He weirdly seemed calmer after a while and gave a quick glance to Russia. "I guess, but I don't see why it's any of his b-"

Ukraine wiped his eyes with his sleeves. "Yeah. Thank you."

The Russian tried his best to give his brother a smile, but quickly forgot about it when he got the phone back. He placed it back on his own ear.

"So?" Russia asked, Ukraine still looking at him, pressed against the wall. "Well, I guess it went good, at least, he listened to me." Mexico answered, sniffing for a bit.

He chuckled, continuing. "You should try to talk with him again, he might listen now." Russia's eyes opened wider, as he quickly turned his head to his brother. "Please teach me your magic..."

"Come on, you have to do the rest and it might not be the best, I feel like he's really mad at you." He added. "Yeah well, I've been trying to figure out why, but thanks Mex. You want me to come over later?" Russia put a hand on his hip, waiting for a long to come answer. "...Yeah, no. I'll watch some tele novelas with my dad, and eat some ice cream. Thanks though. America told me your cooking was top-tier by the way, you might wanna ask him out on a date soon."

"Not happening." Russia could hear a small laugh coming from the other side of the phone. "Come on, I'm sure he would say yes~"

The Russia sighed, his cheeks flushing. "Goodbye Mexico."

And with that, he hung up, his face now buried in his hands in embarrassement. He looked at his phone, wondering whether or not he should sent America a message when he heard his brother fake-coughing.

"So, what do you want, big brother?" Ukraine sarcastically demanded. Belarus yelled in the background. "Don't be a little bitch Ukie, I'll kick your ass if I'm given the chance."

Ukraine facepalmed himself and huffed. "Don't stare at me like a vegetable, come on, talk." Russia smiled at him, and raised his two arms to give his brother a hug. He started to pet the back of his head. "What are you even d---?!"

The little brother tried to get away from Russia's grip, but he didn't seem to want to let go and eventually, he stopped fighting and just let the tall one do whatever it is he was doing. "I don't know what I did to make you mad at me, but I'll always be here for you. I love you." Russia explained.

Ukraine made some gagging noises. "Ew. That's so sappy I want to slap you." The Russian scoffed and tapped lightly on his brother's back. "You know you're allowed to be sad, right?"


"Ukraine?" Russia felt a weight on his shoulder, and hands crawling on his back. Then sobs, that wetted his blue shirt. The Russian tried soothing his brother, rubbing softly one of his hands on the other's hair.

"I think Nada likes Mexico."

Russia backed a little to look at his brother. "Uh?" Ukraine wiped the tears on his cheeks again. "Come on, it's obvious, Rus, you're stupid but not blind." They stopped hugging before Ukraine continued. "Even before I asked him out, I was pretty sure he was going to say no. But, you know, for a moment, I thought I could have a place there."

He grabbed his door handle and pressed it, looking down to it. "But I don't." He entered his room, gazing at his brother for a quick second.

"Are you eating with us tonight?"

Ukraine grinned, just a little. "Yeah."

hey!!!! im back!!!!!!! they still have a long way to go but it's getting better,,, for now.
- nem

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