Part 1 : Famiglia (family)

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June 1993, Naples. Paolo Buccelletti died of lung cancer. Sig.ra Buccelletti has left her own child with his dad before he died. Now Bruno Buccelletti was alone and being spied by a stranger which could harm him in any ways.

Bruno chose his way to escape from his house into the city of Naples. He's only 12 years old. He's can't have a job yet. He has no money and no place to live in the city. All he can do, was just stayed homeless and wait for his slow died........

The next day. His life has changed forever. It's a rainy day. He's sitting next to the store which he was lucky enough.

??? : Mm? I never saw you around here before. Are you alright?

The sound of the little boy with the similar ages as him makes Bruno looked up to see his face.

Bruno : !!?

With the shocked, makes him moved backwards. A white haired boy holding an umbrella after he came out from the store. His lavender and yellow eyes glowed in the dark of the environment surrounded.

??? : Mm? Ah! Don't worry I won't hurt you

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??? : Mm? Ah! Don't worry I won't hurt you. I'm just wondering because I never saw you around here before.

Little Bruno looked away from the white haired boy. His looking seems nervous to the standed boy.

??? : Why are you here alone? Where are your parents?
Bruno : ......... They left me......... behind.......

White haired boy seems shocked. He felt very bad for little Bruno.

??? : Ummm hey! Why don't you come with me? I mean it's dangerous around here without place to stay.
Bruno : !? But I don't want to bother you......
??? : It's alright! Plus my parents are kind! They would love to let you stay together!

Bruno doesn't want to believe. But since he have no choices, he nod and follow the white haired boy.

Bruno : Who are you? What did you want?
??? : Ah! Did I forgot to introduce myself? I'm Leone Abbacchio. Piacere di conoscerti! (Nice to meet you)

Abbacchio gave his hand to little Bruno.

Bruno : ...... Bruno Buccelletti........ Piacere di conoscervi..

They shaked each other's hands.

Abbacchio : It was a very lucky of you that I was around here. Or else someone might already kidnapping you.
Bruno : Aren't you afraid of being kidnapped or something?
Abbacchio : Well........ as long I still have this thing. I'm pretty sure I'll be alright tho

Abbacchio shows Bruno his pepper spray

Bruno : Oh......... I see........

At the Leones' house. Abbacchio ring his doorbell and knocked the door.

Abbacchio : Mama! I'm back!

A woman came to open the door for her child

Sig.ra Leone : Your back sweetie? Oh! Who did you brought with?
Abbacchio : Mom. I found him sitting next to the store I went. He said that his parents left him.
Bruno : ......... C......Ciao.........
Sig.ra Leone : Aww! What an affecting child! Came inside. I'll dry you.
Bruno : G......Grazie Sig.ra Leone.
Sig.ra Leone : Prego!

They came inside the Leones' house. And Bruno told his story to the Leones.

Sig. Leone : I feel sorry for you. You might feel lonely and suspiciously.
Bruno : I'll leave soon. I don't want to bother you guys.
Abbacchio : Oh come on! You can stay with us!
Sig.ra Leone : Abbacchio's right. It's dangerous in the city more than the place you lived.
Sig. Leone : We'll take care of you.
Bruno : W-Why? I can work for you. There's no need to taken care of me as your child.
Sig.ra Leone : It's fine. Plus Abbacchio doesn't good at making friends tho. It'll be great if he has a friend to play with.
Bruno : Ummm...........

Bruno was thinking for a while and excepted the deal. The rain stopped and the Leones planning to go for submit a reception request to adopted Bruno. And left their children at their house.

Abbacchio : From now on, this place will be your house. We're going to be family!
Bruno : ....... Mm!

It was Abbacchio's first time to saw a smile on the dark haired boy.

Abbacchio : (Man! That was new) Let's...... get inside.
Bruno : Okay..........

Abbacchio took his story book and read it. Bruno looked at him awkwardly.

Abbacchio : Hm? What's wrong? You wanna read together?
Bruno : ....... I want to but...... I can't read....
Abbacchio : You...... can't read?
Bruno : Si......... It's embarrass to say but.... my family were too poor. We don't even have enough money for taking me school.....
Abbacchio : Was that so? Hmmmm........ Well I can teach you that! Come here!
Bruno : Heh?

Bruno came and sit next to Abbacchio. For them, their relationship were friends. For their parents, their relationship were brothers. Day to day they seem closer and closer. End up they called each others as brothers.

Bruno : So........ if I devide this with 3 it will equal to 5 right?
Abbacchio : Yup! You're getting better!

From the outside of their room. Parents are always keep their eyes on their sons.

Sig.ra Leone : They're growing up more and more. Do you think their relationship will be more closer?
Sig. Leone : Who'll know?

One day....... something prove their relationship......

Bullies : Hey nerd! Whatcha got there? Is that a money?
Bruno : Huh? You mean me?
Bullies : Of course you punk! You've got alot of them aren'tcha? Why don't you share me some?
Bruno : B-But....... this is for my fu-

The angered bullies took Bruno's shirt.

Bullies : Oi! Stop foolish around here and gave me those money!
Bruno : !!?
Abbacchio : Hey! Stop bullying my bro!
Bullies : Whatcha going to do to me? Are you going to punch me? In the face?

Within his anger. He used his elbow to remove the bullies hand away from his brother shirt.

Bullies : Ow! How could you you freak?!

Bruno ran away to get some help from the teacher. While Abbacchio interceptions the bullies. They were trying to punch Abbacchio while he doesn't fight back.

Bullies : Fight back you idiot!
Bruno : Profesore! Over there!

The bullies got an admonition from the teacher.

Bruno : Bro! Are you alright? I'm sorry for leave you alone I-
Abbacchio : It's alright. If you don't came in time, I would be more than you see right now.
Bruno : You need a first aid brother!

Bruno took off his first aid kit from his bag. No one would expect that he will have it with him.

Abbacchio : Ow! That's hurt!
Bruno : It's normal. Plus you hurt it's a good sign that you're still alive. You're very brave to use yourself as a shield to protect me and the other nerds.
Abbacchio : Because....... I want to be a police......
Bruno : Huh?
Abbacchio : People said police were a job that used theirselves to protect the innocent and town. I really want to be a police but...... most of them laugh at me. They said I can't be without a prove. It might look stupid but yeah......

Bruno smiled to his injuried brother softly and gentle.

Bruno : There's no need to worry about that. I believe that you can be a police with justice and determined heart. I believe in you.
Abbacchio : ........ heh! You're the best bro ever....... I hope mom understands this.

Thx for reading QwQ next part come soon. (Also sorry for my bad drawing)

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