Part 2 : Relazione (Relationship)

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6 years later..... April 1999, Leone Abbacchio finally became a police like what he was dreamed. Bruno has finished the vocational education. Abbacchio has to go work at Rome. Their parents already have a house at Rome. So they support their children to lived there......

Bruno : Mama, what about you and dad? Won't you go with us?
Sig.ra Leone : We can't Bruno. At that place has only one bedroom for two people. You don't need to worry about us! Beside, both of you are grown up men now whispering [or you a woman Bruno? You doesn't look like a man at all! What happened? ]

Bruno looked at himself and his adoptive family members

Bruno : Mom! I'm a man! It's not like I look like a woman means I'm not a man. You can't say like that!
Sig.ra Leone : Oh! Was it?

At Abbacchio and his father side heard of what the other side conversations.

Sig. Leone : Looks like you also need to have a good care on your brother my son~ If you don't want to lose your beautiful brother.
Abbacchio : Dad! For the women he's still a man.
Sig. Leone : Who'll know? I heard that in Rome there were someone raped by a woman. Or even men together. You too have to take care of yourself okay? Don't bully him~
Abbacchio : ioooo

They all went to the airport and wait for the plane.

Sig.ra Leone : We're going now~ Take care! In bocca al lupo! (Good luck)
Bruno : Ciao!

Abbacchio and Bruno seats are next to each others. While the plane was flying........

Bruno : ........ Wait! Mom said that there's only one bed for 2 people isn't it?
Abbacchio : Huh? Yes?
Bruno : Was that mean we have to....... sleep together?
Abbacchio : Well....... duh?
Bruno : If you dare lie on my body, I'll kick you down and you'll sleep there got it?
Abbacchio : Pfft! I'm not a guy that roll over while sleeping. (Maybe?)

Only an hour. They both have arrived at Rome. And they went to the address their parents gave. It's a modern house with a garage. They both entered the house.

Bruno : Wow! This place pretty wide! I really can't wait to work around here!
Abbacchio : Well...... what will you work as?
Bruno : Hmmmm...... dunno yet. Maybe right now I have to be a part time worker and then find some more works. Until I know which that I like and......... pretty good at it?
Abbacchio : That's a waste of time! I only gave you 3 works. The last work you try will be your job forever got it?
Bruno : Only 3? Hmmm........ alright then!

15:36, they went out to the store for buying some food.

Bruno : What do you like for dinner? Lagsana? Pasta carbonara? Or Caprese salad with pesto sauce?
Abbacchio : Ummmmmmmm ...... Pasta.......
Bruno : Okay!
Abbacchio : Wait.... Are you going to cook by yourself?
Bruno : Of course! Why? You think I'm terrible at cooking?
Abbacchio : I don't know..... I never try the food you made. Well...... maybe let's just try anyway.
Bruno : Hehe alright!

While they are looking for more stuff to buy. A strange man walk directly to Bruno and rake his back with his finger.

Bruno : Eeek! What was that?
Stranger : Ciao there beauty~ I have no idea why your sound a bit deep. But that doesn't matter. Will you interested going out with me?
Bruno : I-I uh..........

Jealousy brother has block the conversation with the pair of mad eyes.

Abbacchio : Excuse me. Can you please stop bothering my brother? We're kinda busy.
Stranger : W-What!? He's your brother?! He's a man?! Ah...... I'm sorry! It's my misunderstood!

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