Part 3 : Arguing?

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The next day, Bruno made breakfast for his brother and himself as usual. He was so excited to go working at the office as a office worker. He brought his brother a cup of coffee and gives himself a cup of tea. Bruno walked to his office, it just 250 meters away from his house.

At his office, most of the workers are women. He's going well with everyone in his office including his boss. His boss was a kind old lady, she would be serious for only sometimes. She will be retired in a few months. Bruno was lucky to work with her before it happened.

2 months later, it was Friday and Bruno went home very early than usual. His boss wants boy clothes for a donation. Bruno has only a few clothes which not a clothes for work. He went back home and thinking about this.

Bruno : I really want to donate but I have a very few clothes. If I donate them I will not have my clothes to wear on weekends.

Suddenly, there's a knock from the door. It was a delivery man. Bruno opened the door for him.

Bruno : May I help you?
Delivery : I have a package for Sig. Bruno. Did he live here?
Bruno : It was me.
Delivery : Oh! Here's your package! Enjoy
Bruno : Grazie

It was a very big box. The name of the sender was Sig.ra Leone

Bruno : (From mom? Why did she sent something to me? This box is huge but...... it kinda lightweight. Was this a joke or something?)

He carefully opened the box. He was surprised to see something in the box. There were clothes.

Bruno : Oh! Clothes? What is this? A letter from mom? "Dear Bruno, I just realise that you had only a few clothes! These clothes you can freely use it. They were clothes when I was 23. I can't wear it for a long time so I gave it to you. Hope you like it! Sig.ra Leone" (Grazie mama but........ aren't these are clothes for women? Why mom still thinks of me as a girl? ) *sigh* Welp..... I can't donate these clothes. I guess I'll replace my clothes with these and donate my old clothes. Better than have nothing to wear.

Bruno put the women clothes in his closet and take off his old clothes for donate.

18:30, Abbacchio went home. He looks really tired. Bruno help his brother to sit at the sofa and get him dinner. After that, they do the same daily as usual. When they went to bed before they sleep, Abbacchio started the conversation.

Abbacchio : Bruno
Bruno : Yes bro?
Abbacchio : Tomorrow I have a meeting and some celebrate. I might come back late but I'll make sure I'll come back for dinner.
Bruno : Is that an excuse?
Abbacchio : ........
Bruno : Alright alright. Of course you can. But don't come too late ok?
Abbacchio : Sure.......

They both fall asleep.........

The next day, Bruno wait for his brother to leave wearing his pajamas. After Abbacchio leaves, Bruno change his clothes that his adoptive mother gave him. He wore it with jeans and used a big sheet of cloth cover his shoulder and neck. He packed his men clothes in the box and bring it to his boss.

20:46, there's a knock on the door. Bruno goes for the knocked.

Bruno : Who's this? Abbacchio?
Police officer : Well ........ kind of.....
Bruno : Ehh!?

One of the police officer drag another person to the front door. It was Abbacchio, he was drunk.

Bruno : What happened?
Police officer : Ummmm ...... I'll begin it. First of all it was only a meeting and some celebration. Then our boss asked him to drink together. At first Abbacchio rejected him but he ended up trying a bit and yeah......... he started to made some violent and shouted like he wanted to go home. He doesn't eat anything at all. We don't want him to cause any more violence so I brought him here and....... welp.
Bruno : Ah........ I see. Thanks for taking him home.
Police : Take care of him.

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