Soraru who?

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I woke up with an intense headache, my ears were buzzing and my vision was turve. When I sit in the bed I was curled up, I felt nauseous and dizzy, as if the whole world had turned upside down and now I had to deal with it.

I gave a look around the room, first moving my eyes to the corner covered with rays of light, it came from the window, thanks to the nearly open curtain. As I could see from beyond the window, I was in a tall building, and that room was a very big one for a flat.

I stand up, my legs soon stop shaking and I move myself without much effort to the window's directions, let it wide open and slap-bang the curtains.

Everything was much clearer, I could distinguish all furnitures from each other. For an example, next to me leaning on the wall, there was a blue and expensive-rashii guitar, and it wasn't the only thing related to music in that bedroom.

I walked across the place sometimes for analyzing it, at first view it was normal, had a lot of personal things such as a laptop at the top of a desk, next to it a Bobba tea plastic cup, but with no liquid inside.

It was very well decorated, but it wasn't worth it narrating most of stuff there, I just stopped to look at every single detail because I had no idea where I were at.

I sat on the chair before the desk and start opening it's drawers, in the first one a couple CDs of a guy named "Soraru", and in the second one CDs from other random people, all mixed.

Maybe this guy really liked those singers, to keep their CDs in his own writing table instead of his wallet, smartphone or other things.

Talking of each, I really needed to find the smartphone of the guy that leaved there, maybe I could get a clue. First I tried unlocking his laptop, but it had a password so I had no luck. He didn't have a simple wardrobe, instead of a bathroom he had a door that leaves to a space specifically just for his wearings and clothes, sort of a closet.

I searched inside of it, but no sign of his cellphone. That's when I realized it could be in other room of the flat, it could be anywhere. But I was scared of leaving the room, what if the guy was there and got scared of a stranger in his house?

How would I excuse myself? "Oh I'm very sorry but I have no idea how I got inside your room to begin with". He would think I was some sort of a drunk criminal.

But stopping to think about it, how I got to that place wasn't the only thing I had no memory about. I tried thinking about myself, any stupid thing would do, but I couldn't recall even my own name.

I started getting anxious and euphoric, and decided once for all to go searching the rest of the house. I was already screwed up anyways, what harm could it do?

As I investigated the place, I realized it was really a rich's apartment, not much extravagant but you could tell just for looking that that guy had everything he could want.

There was even a kind of office room, with other computer, two monitors, headphones and a electric piano standing in a corner. I found his cellphone was there, picked it up and went to the leaving room, tossing myself on the couch.

Again, a password. Ugh, why was this guy so prudent? Now the device was useless to me, it would only serve to make an emergency call, but I had no number in mind so it didn't matter.

I heard my belly growling, I didn't realized it before because I was to worried, but I was starving, who knows how much time had spent since my last meal. I got up, ready to go to the kitchen and see if I could find some eggs, when a disturbing sound froze me.

It was the doorbell, and someone was pressing it nonstop, until the fourth time came and then silence. I walked slowly towards the door, I was just realizing now but my bangs were really annoying, they kept getting in my vision way and hurting my eyes.

I tried to walk gentle without doing noises so the person on the other side may thought I was absent and go away, but then I changed my mind. Obviously it wasn't the owner of te house, nevertheless he wouldn't have presses the doorbell, he'd just enter casually. Maybe this person could help me, maybe she knew what I was doing there and could explain everything to me.

- J-just a minute - I answered clumsy

Thank god the keys were already connect to the door lock, it would be very stressful to have to search for the right key one by one. I unlocked the door and opened it carefully, staring at the other side intensively.

Standing there, was a adult man with white hair, but he was young so it was just dyed, he had a bright smile on his face and kept like that even when he saw me, maybe he knew me as I thought.

- Afternoon, Soraru-san.

- Soraru-san?

Wasn't "Soraru" the name of the CDs' singer? Maybe it was my name.

- Yeah, any problem? - the albino seemed confused

- Er, it may sound like a weird question, but do we know each other?

I couldn't avoid staring to the floor while asking him this question, it was too embarrassing, even more when I had to say it for someone I was seeing te first time in my life.

- Eh? Is this like a joke or something?

I wasn't keeping up with the situation, so I remained silent. He knew me or not? Why was he saying so many confusing stuff, it seemed like he was the one pulling a prank and joking.

Finally I got courage to look him on the eyes, and for reassuring what I said I tried to keep my expression as serious as I could. It probably worked, cause the man's jokingly expression turned to a worried one with no time.

- Can I come in?

- Sure - I said without a worry, I had nothing to lose.

Soraru ~ Lost ~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora