Chapter four: Curved

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Sitting at the back of the class was a clear certificate to 'any time' punishment. All the noise makers and the witty guys resided in the back benches. I chose to sit at the front most desk to avoid such inconveniences. English was the school language and we blended in with our broken accents and struggled to make ends meet for our communication skills to get perfect. The disk circulating around like blood in the circulatory system traced its way to me at least three days a week and that got me into manual works and some other punishments. Whisking the dust was the worst of all time.

I had a desk mate again. She was called Sylvia Chenjeni. A light skinned girl that was at disposal of any luxury someone could get at that level; I mean, all the queen cakes, green pens, HB pencils, Black books and the coins for break time simsim. I was her right-hand man and anything she took from their shop was dispensed in my small back pack for demolition later in the day. We never had a thing, like, she just possessed me and gave me warnings about my moves. Some other days she would draw a line on the sitting bench to show boundary. I was not supposed to cross the boundary whatsoever. Some other time her red pen wouldn't reach me or she would delay giving it to me. (Headings in social studies and science were strictly written in red.)

My life with Chenjeni was way much different. We were not in love except for the small lustful experiences I passed through. She was cute you know. I won't talk about the medulla. (Haha! You got it!) She basically wanted things to go her way. I was so careful not to ruin my relationship with her because of the cakes and the loaves of bread I got each day.

Having a beautiful friend was a complete starter pack for respect from the guys. Some of them tried so hard to get to Chenjeni at that time but failed. Having that girl on your side was like financial freedom today. Anything could come your way. Her dad was a police man and her mum was a teacher in a neighboring school.

I helped her out during exams and she helped me out during lunch breaks. It was mutual, right? That was the relationship I had with Chenjeni.


The present day one is far much beautiful and less talkative. She's a slayer (As you all can say it). I met her last year, 2017. She came to visit me at my sister's place in Bungoma. My sister wasn't around. We had the whole day to ourselves, you know, catching up and stuffs like that, she didn't remember how cruel she was to me and how possessive she was back in primary school. Well, we talked much about our campus life and the people we were meeting. I was by then in a very stable relationship that will come in the later chapters. Be patient.

She requested me to allow her use that house with her boyfriend the coming weekend (Am sorry, I hope you don't like reading books. Please don't come across this. But well, if you do, it's my story!). She had given me a story about her Kalenjin/Maasai boyfriend she met at Campus and he wanted to pay her a visit at her place. He definitely wouldn't have dared going to her home; the police dad you know. I didn't give in to her request and that thing pissed her off.

I was in my right mind to deny the request since it was my sister's place, not mine. It was a rough time for me and I didn't want to add problems to others yet. I gave her a push and we walked out to the main road to catch a Matatu. We haven't talked ever since. Maybe she thought I felt bad about her bringing a guy at our place. I can't deny the fact that I tried getting at her ones or twice just like any man would do to his pretty friends. All that crap wasn't out of heart and were mere try and error steps.


'Small but dangerous' was a title accorded to Elvin. Mr. Khisa used to call her dangerous because of her prowess in English. She however was flaunted by other subjects. She was short and beautiful. I rarely got a chance to really talk to her and get to know much about her but I was a constant secret admirer who wished hell could break loose some day and drop us in one pit. Her short dresses exposed her very soft thighs (Yeah, I didn't touch them. We touch girls just by seeing them). And she had bigger teeth. Not that bad big but super sexy big. The days I saw her teeth were the best days of my stay in school and she never got to know about me until later in our lives. The real encounter with Elvin came years later after we were done with high school. You would want to read that! Right after completion of high school we linked up with her. She was working at our former Primary school as an accountant, or a bursar as it were. She was still fluent and very coherent in her spoken English and was very bold. I was all ears and eyes to listen to her stories about evolution in life ever since I left Faith Academy for St Raphael. Wait...We shared a crush on her with my best friend!

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