Chapter Six: Primer Amor

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The first thing I ever noticed on her was her flawless smile and that shy look she displayed the first day she stepped in class. She was coming from another school in Bungoma. She was silent the first days and we had these awkward gazes; the "I want you" type of looks. One day I decided to pounce on her with questions to gauge my stands and capabilities in convincing her. She looked at me with those round white eyes which of course rendered me speechless and I did not say anything I had planned to say. My other friends were playing outside after taking the 10 Am porridge. "Do you take porridge?" I asked. That was the first blue ticks I ever received in my life. I have been waiting for the response until today. I guess it was an irrelevant question to ask. She however smiled and walked away.

Since that day I tried to crack her up. Smiling randomly at her, wiping her chair before she sits, answering questions in class for her sake; name them all. It was not a tough struggle as she kind of liked me too. We started going home together after classes and talking about our life experiences. It wasn't long before we started showing affection towards each other anyhow. We owned each other and I started feeling jealous incase a guy tries to get at her in any way. She was this dark girl, beautiful with white eyes and a lovely voice. Her English was above average from the spoken to the written and I struggled to flaunt her for as long as I can remember. She was so charming and I did not struggle to love her. Both my heart and my soul were in it; deeply.


The drizzles were not ending and we had planned to meet up that evening as usual at their home. We always met at the fence for those talks that I wish I could remember. This and other days that had already passed had already glued us together and I could not resist her. I could not go a day without meeting her. As much as we came from one class, one school, we had these private times that we talked about nothing at all but talked way much than I have ever talked to anyone. Do you get what I mean? Okay...Love for the first time had hit me at an acute angle and this time round I could not evade the consequences. We had these stupid fights of "why didn't you smile today at school" and so much more that made me sleep with a tear or two in my eyes. I did not force anything. Love was flowing naturally.

The first kiss was in the rains at the pedestrian back gate of Khachonge Girls Secondary School (Her mum was deputy principal by then) at 7pm at around November of 2010. We were just cuddling as usual and her body was way warm and I was shivering in her arms. I didn't have a sweater on and I did not want to go home either because I wanted to be with her. I could not go to their house as their mum was already in. As much as her mum knew me, I did not want to sabotage the relationship that early as I had envisioned this relationship to go far. I knew about kissing and such but I did not want to rush this one. She was a dot com girl and her moves were way advanced than my own. We were there cuddling and she reached for my lips and one crazy kiss followed. I remember it like yesterday. I couldn't get enough and I have never forgotten how I felt. The umbrella I was holding was already on the ground, the shivering was gone and my heart melted with love. The best part of it is that both of us did not get enough of it; we therefore did it every other day from that day until we couldn't anymore. That whole love life was exhilarating. We had the best times together and the worst times too. I remember there was a time we couldn't talk for like a month in school. All this drama was caused by her best friend Lydisha. I however battled it off and won her heart again. She brought me tea and bread in the morning and made sure I drunk it all. Everyone knew that she was my girlfriend and I could not deny anything because I really loved her. There are times I went at their place and spend the day there watching or just cuddling and kissing. We planned a lot of stuff together and even named our first born kid!

One day my sister's kid died after battling with Malaria for quite some time. It was around 2 Am when she was announced dead. Everyone burst up in tears and the voices spread to greater radius. Someone lied to her that Eugene had died. Poor girl! She almost died too. She was so frustrated. It might not be funny but then I stood at their fence watching her cry before I revealed myself and she came hugging me with tears all over her eyes. She has never admitted about that and she claims I always make these stories up. That reaction made me love her even much and no one could convince me that our love could end at some point. I cannot write every other experience I had with her because it was just way much as it always is with first loves.

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