❣️ A Day To Be Us ❣️

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Actors AU / Photographs / Movie Theatre 
(Brief Summary: Actors Kirishima and Bakugou go to watch a movie on Bakugou's birthday, and they enjoy a dinner date afterwards)


   After so much work, Bakugou finally found a break he could enjoy. Between acting, interviews, and even the premiere, which happened just three days ago, he's glad he can finally relax at home, and maybe try a couple new new recipes from that magazine he bought not long ago.

   Unfortunately, his first day of break included having to tidy his whole apartment. The crew he worked with was very enthusiastic, and he had many photographs so throw away or to keep, along with many 'goodbye' or 'good luck in the future' letters. It was... sweet, but there were so many and he didn't even talk to most of them.

   He began sorting through the box where he put all of them, and first started with the gifts. Most of the gifts were food, and a few were some useless Japanese inventions jokes which he'll most likely throw away since they were from people he'll see again in future movies he'll star in.

   He kept the food since it is useful, and any gifts he think he'll use, he kept. Eventually, he began sorting through letters, which were also easy to sort. Those from close co-workers like the director and actors he was with often, he kept, while others he put away to store in a closet or storage room. Soon enough, he went onto sorting photographs. 

   He didn't bother keeping into photos without him in it, instead he left those photos with the letters to go in the storage room. Those with him in it were... well, numerous.

   He sighed, and took a few seconds to breath calmly. Then, he picked up the only photograph which had the whole entire crew and team which worked on the movie on it. It wasn't often that directors instructed they have a photo like that at the end, but Bakugou liked those. He likes to keep track of faces he's seen before, it helps when he is in an unfamiliar surrounding but sees people he worked with before.

   He narrowed his eyes lightly at it, noticing it had noticeable indents where he was positioned on the photo. He noticed a large indent also was on one of the actors he worked with a lot most of the time... Kirshima Ei- eh.

    He looked at the back of the photo, and raised an eyebrow at the messy writing.

'Bakugou! We are best friends, aren't we? Let's hangout one of these days! -Kirishima Eijirou

   He noticed the numbers below it, and realised Kirishima was giving him his phone number. He blinked at it slightly, then read the note again.

   He and Kirishima have been quite close recently, he will acknowledges that. This is the second movie they worked on so closely on, and apparently, when Kirishima was still building a career, he had acted as a background character in one of Bakugou's first best movies. Anyway, they have been in each other's presence for quite a while, and during those two movies the two grew closer as friends. He would deny the title of 'best friend' in front of everyone, but by himself he can agree. Kirishima is the first person he would consider a best friend.

   He reached for his phone, and pressed 'new contact'. He glanced at the phone number on the back of the photograph, and hesitated. 

   Should he? Will Kirishima ever be his co-worker again? What if they move away so won't be able to hang out often? Is it worth it to add his contact if they don't stay in touch? What if-

   Bakugou sighed, and decided to add it in. His finger hovered over the keyboard as he thought about what to text. Is the first message really that important? Do normal friends worry about what to say to each other? He shook his head with a sigh. He's just nervous, maybe.

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