❣️ Let's Take Our Time ❣️

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Free AU / Travel Problems / School
(Brief Summary: Kirishima has a late night flight to catch, however it is delayed by five hours! He manages to stay calm, and watches movies. At some point, he invites a grumpy business man to watch movies with him, and by the time they board the plane, he became attached. Maybe... too attached...)


   "You've got to be kidding me."

   Kirishima cursed under his breath as he looked over to his flight information on the screen.

   'Delayed? For five hours! Due to maintenance or something?' he thought, bitterly cursing again.

   His flight isn't even an early flight. He had taken a late flight, one that is supposed to leave at ten thirty in the evening, and all he wanted was to just rest in his hotel room that he was meant to be sharing with a friend.

   He had planned for an easy day. He would work until five, then pack at home, then take the train to the station, wait for an hour or two, then go on the plane, sleep, and then sleep more when he arrives at the hotel he booked. Unfortunately, due to the staff, he had to wait another five hours after waiting two already.

   Looking around, he could see many families and business people already annoyed at the change. Some had already begun to complain to staff, and he almost chuckled at how dramatic most people were being. Others had begun to take any seats available, sometimes taking one, whilst others took five for one person.

   Well, he can't control them. 

   "I'll just find a seat and watch movies, I guess," he sighed quietly, walking around, hoping to find a free seat without someone very weird next to them. Once he found a seat, he settled down happily.

   There was a lady with two kids next to her, and all three of them were really tired, so Kirishima knew they wouldn't bother him, and he wouldn't bother them either, since he has headphones. The other seat next to him, however, was empty, so he enjoyed the peace while it lasted. 

   He quickly opened his laptop, and reduced the screen brightness, because the hall's lights were dimmed so people could sleep. After he made sure he wouldn't burn anyone's, or his own, eyes, he quickly searched through all of his downloaded videos for a movie to watch. He chose the first good one he saw, and then fished his headphones in his suitcase. Sometimes he wished he had headsets and expensive airpods like everyone, but he only has basic Samsung earphones that came with in the box with his phone. He prefers to spend his money on manga and comics. 

   He smiled as he began to the movie. His smile only brightened at the familiar intro. He probably watched 'My Neighbour Totoro' about fifty times by now. He relaxed, and soon the delayed flight was behind his mind. If he does the maths right, he should be able to watch at least three movies before boarding the plane.

   He was so into the movie, that he barely noticed the man who settled down on the seat next to him. As the scenes changed, Kirishima glanced briefly at the man beside him, and his jaw almost dropped.

   'What the actual hell?' he thought, glancing at what the other man was doing.

   The man had his laptop open, just like Kirishima, but instead of watching movies or anime like Kirishima, he was doing... work?

   Kirishima frowned, but then with a short sigh he went back to watching the movie. 

After about fifteen minutes, he paused his movie and glanced at the man beside him, making no move to be discreet.

KiriBaku Week 2020 (one-shots)Where stories live. Discover now