Chapter 3 -Dipper-

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A triangle.

Of course.

It had to be him.

"Hey Pinetree!" Bill Cipher said in the strange, demonic voice of his. I stared at him blankly as I slowly raised an eyebrow to convey my bored confusion. "Huh. I thought you'd be more suprised." He spoke with his eerie emotionless voice. Unless pure psycho is an emotion.

"I mean, I thought we defeated you, but to be honest i'm just bored of seeing you. Stupid Dorito lookin ass." I replied in my bored tone. For Gods sake, is his only form dorito? It was just boring at this point.

My train of though was brought to an aburupt halt as Bill Started cackling. I guess he does has emotions then. he wiped a tear from his eye and continued to cackle. This situation reminded me far too much of Mabel, laughing at me for tripping over. I sorely regret thinking Bill could be a saint compared to anyone. Seeing him now reminded me of how terrifying Weirdmageddon was. How many people died. How many never got their sanity back. But was that all Bills' fault? I mean oviously yes. However, how could Mabel trust some weird tome guy with something so powerful? 

I needed to focus on the situation at hand so i stopped questioning my sisters loyalty and glared at the cackling, glowing demon. Wait. Glowing? As I glared at Bill I realised that yes. He was glowing. He kept glowing brighter and brighter. The light seemed to pulsate and attack my eyes until I could no longer look at him and was forced to look away. Even with my back turned, the light still fought my eyes as i sqeezed them shut and covered them with my hands. I thought that the light would never end and that I would be burned away just by the pure ferociousness of the light. When it stopped. So suddenly everything felt pitch black although I was still under the circle of moonlight. I looked up at Bill but the dorito wasn't there instead there was... a boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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