The Backstory

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Kirishima POV
  When I was seven years old I was watching TV. I turned on the news because my parents were out doing hero stuff. I didn't like my parents. They always made me do quirk training. At the time I hated my quirk. I saw my mom being attacked by this one guy named Shigaraki. 'Wow! That's so cool!' I thought to myself. 'When I'm older I wanna be just like him!' The only problem was my parents want me to be a hero.

It was getting late so I went to my room. Tears started to roll down my eyes. I had Crimson Riot posters in my room. I remember I teared them down and started ripping them. "Heros are stupid!" I yelled. "All they care about is saving people which is stupid!" I laid down on my bed and thought, 'Why do I have to be a hero. I hate training and everything else.' I started to cry even more until I eventually went to sleep.

When I woke up I went to the living room where my parents were. My mom grabbed me by my shirt. "Eijirou! Why did you destroy your Crimson Riot posters?" She asked. "Because he's stupid!" I yelled back. "Hero's are stupid and you can't force me to be one!" She put me down and locked me into my room as a punishment.

I grabbed a piece of paper and some markers. I drew all the villains I saw last night. Then, I got taped and taped the drawings to my walls. I then yelled, "I can do what I want and no one can stop me!"

Bakugo POV
My mom and dad are members of the League of Villains. They joined the league when I was seven years old. I love my parents. I've always looked up to them.

I remember one day when I was seven, I went to hang out at the park with my friends. (Yes, Midoriya is his friend.) I was on the swings with my friend Izuku. "Guess what Izuku!" "What, Kacchan?" "My mom and dad are villains and when I'm older I'm gonna be one to!" I said. "I thought you liked heros?" Izuku said confused. "I did, but villains are so much cooler!" He looked mad. He got off the swing. "I'm going home Kacchan, but when I'm a hero and you're a villain please don't hurt me." He said crying. "You'll never become a hero if you don't have a quirk!' I said. He was already gone.

The next day at school, Izuku told everyone about my plans. Nobody wanted to be my friend. "Kacchan wants to be a villain!" Izuku shouted in front of the class. I got mad. "Izuku wants to be a hero without a quirk. And you should call him Deku because it means useless."

At lunch that day, nobody sat with me or that useless nerd. 'He's never gonna become a hero without a quirk.' I thought. I made an explosion with my hands, and shot it towards Deku. I saw him. He got a burn on his face from it and he was crying. That little brat ran to tell our teacher.

After school I saw Deku writing in his notes and crying. I decided to leave him alone. I was walking untill I fell down into a lake. I saw Deku. "Kacchan, do you need help getting up?" He asked. I made another explosion towards Deku's face. "The last thing I need is help from a quirkless loser like you!" He was still there. "I just wanted to make sure you weren't hurt."

Deku still follows me around every day. Now we're in our last year of middle school. Deku was following me home and kept talking about how we was gonna try to get into UA. "UA is for nerds. But not nerds like you, but ones that actually have quirks. Just jump off of a building and hope you have a quirk in your next life." I grabbed his notebook, burned it and threw it in a lake. "Kacchan, you really are gonna be a villain," he said punching me in the stomach. It didn't even hurt.

Kirishima POV
Now I'm in my last year of middle school. I grabbed my lunch and sat in a corner alone. Nobody wanted to be my friend. Nobody likes me, not even my own parents. But, one day I'll leave and join the League of Villains. I can go and kill all of these people. I'd only be able to do that if I had a good quirk. In a few days school would be over, but then I have to take the stupid entrance test to get into UA. I'm not gonna pass. My parents would have a son that's a hero if they actually had a good son.

Two boys came up to me. "Are you Eijirou Kirishima?" They asked. "Yes." I answered shyly. "Okay follow us." I followed them. We went into an alley and they started beating me up. I was almost unconscious untill I saw a pink girl begging them to stop. She finally used her quirk to melt them. "Hi, I'm Mina Ashido!" She said. 'It's that one girl who's gonna go to UA.' I thought. 'What a loser.' "I could've saved myself." I said. "Oh, well I heard you're trying to get into UA too, so I thought maybe we could be friends." "Well I'm not gonna get into UA, so it doesn't matter." I replied. "Don't be so hard on yourself. Your quirk is amazing." 'Oh wow, she's the first person to say that about my quirk.' "Thanks, bit I can't control my quirk." I lied. She helped me up and she wanted to walk me home.

'I can't tell her I'm gonna be a villain. Then she's gonna hate me, like everyone else does.' We finally got to my house. She was and I waved back, then when she turned around I slammed the door.  'Stupid heros." I thought.

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