Chapter 14 - Seventeen and a Hunk Load of Racism to Show it

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About a month later, I'm in my room, sitting with Avex and watching TV. My training has allowed me to excel in areas I didn't realise I could. I can now lift human beings in the air, even if it is only for a few seconds. Training everyday isn't really that enjoyable, especially with the headaches and pulsing eyes. And the occasional nose bleed that has ruined at least two tops.

We're discussing the unrealistic characters on the show we're watching when Elyx, the girl with monoloid eyes that I've become pretty good friends with, comes rushing in. Her face is red and she leans against the door frame as if she's just run five miles.

I get up and run towards her. "Are you okay? What have you been running for?" I look at her face for answers.

"It's Rylyn." She breathes, "She collapsed, but it was different this time. She won't stop screaming and we can't wake her up."

"What?" Avex jumps from the bed, he shrugs his jackets on and starts to slip into his shoes. "Where is she?"

"She's down by the gardens, Sevit is with her, but there's been quite a crowd forming." She seems to have gotten her breath back a bit now.

"We'll take Cree's car. I'm sure he won't mind." Avex runs out of the room, obviously expecting us to follow.

We make it to the car within ten seconds. Avex reverses out of the driveway at a dangerous speed, not even checking for other cars. Then again, hardly anyone has a car around here. Everyone takes the train if the distance is a bit far. The only reason Cree has a car is because he has to travel outside the walls.

Avex almost runs over some children, but apart from that we have no potential accidents. I'm not sure how fast he's gong, because quite frankly I'm scared to look. I'd guess that we're going at least fifty, but we could be going eighty for all I know. I should probably tell him to slow down since the speed limit is twenty miles an hour on this road, but I don't think that he would listen.

He stops suddenly outside an open green space. He jumps out, Elyx and I follow. We run up a path, past a fountain. I hear the terrified screams before I see the small crowd accumulated around Rylyn.

When we reach her I see that she's shaking, a sheet of sweat covers her forehead. Sevit is holding her hand, she still screams. Sevit gets up and starts telling the crowd to leave along with Elyx, as Avex and I tend to her.

"How do we wake her up?" I say, trying to stop her shaking by rubbing her arms.

"I don't know." He looks at me helplessly.

"What do you mean, you don't know?" I stare at him in disbelief.

"We usually leave her, she's never reacted like this before."

"If we can't wake her up we'll just have to take her home." I suggest. "You get her arms, I'll get her legs. We can carry her to the car."

"I could just get that tree to carry her." He nods towards the big oak tree a few metres behind me.

"If you think that will work."

He doesn't even respond before I see the branches stretching towards the ground, slowly, but surely making their way towards Rylyn's screaming body. Before long she rises above us and is whisked away, towards Cree's car.

We follow it and eventually make it to the car. Avex gestures for me to help pick her up. We slip her into the back seat, strapping her in. She's still screaming. I don't know how, but she is.

Elyx and Sevit walk over, I can see that the crowd has dissipated now. Although there are stil some staring after us.

"Will you be okay looking after her?" Sevit winces, as Rylyn lets out another whail.

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