Part: 4

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''Who is that?'' Tori whispered towards Malia.

Dawn walked into the class and she felt everyone's eyes on her. She didn't feel comfortable and didn't know what to do.

''Is she the new girl?'' Brooke looked at Amber.

Tyler, Nathan, Isaac and Kyle looked at each other while Dawn searched a seat for herself.

''That's my place.'' Dawn turned around and she looked at Cayley. ''Oh..'' Dawn was walking to another spot. ''And that's where Lydia and Ray are sitting.'' Cayley said. Dawn looked around her.

Kyle sighed. ''You can sit here'' he said. Dawn looked at Kyle and he showed her the seat next to him. Cayley and Brooke looked at each other.

''Name.'' Brooke said and they stood around Dawn. ''What?'' Dawn didn't get it. ''Your name, sweetheart. Didn't your parents give you a name?'' Brooke asked and a few other students started to laugh.

''Oh wait.. Are you scared?'' Cayley said and the girls started laughing too. Lydia and Ray walked into class and looked at them. ''What's going on'' Lydia asked. ''We have a new girl'' Brooke said.

''Brooke, stop it'' Kyle said. ''Just go away'' he said. ''You wanna fuck her?'' Cayley immediatly asked and the whole class started talking through each other. Dawn stood up and she wanted to leave the class but Cayley and Brooke stood in front of her.

''Where are you going?''

''We don't know your name yet''

''My name is Dawn'' Dawn said and she walked out of the class.

*Flashback is over*
It was quiet between Noa and Tyler. Noa felt weird since Tyler told her this was the place where Dawn killed herself. ''Why.. Why did you bring me here?'' Noa asked without looking at Tyler.

''Because..'' Tyler started. ''I thought I would be okay with it, but.. I'm not, I.. I didn't have the best conversations with Dawn but, she was a classmate. You know?'' Tyler said. Noa nodded. ''And.. No one really talked about her after she.. died.'' Tyler said.

''Why'' Noa said. Tyler sighed. ''I think.. That we were scared, or something. Especially Kyle didn't want to talk about her,'' he said. Noa bit on her lips. ''How did she look?'' Noa smiled.

Tyler smiled too. ''She was...''

''She was so beautiful, mom..'' Kyle was crying in his moms arms.. ''I can't believe she's gone and it's just hitting me right now'' he said. He opened the box with every stuff of Dawn he owned.

''She was so sweet'' Kyle said. ''With her beautiful blue eyes, and her strawberry blonde hair..'' He wiped his tears off. ''Why did she had do to that..''

The next day at school.

The schoolbell rings.

Day 4.

Valery walked into class and she sat next to Malia. ''So,'' she immediatly started and Malia looked at her. ''You and Brandon'' Valery said. ''Brandon?'' Malia asked. ''Oh come on, you don't call him mr. Howard, do you?'' Valery asked. ''I have no idea, what you're talking about.'' Malia said.

''Don't play dumb'' Valery said. ''I know you like him too.'' Malia raised her eyebrows up and she looked around. ''Valery he's our teacher'' she whispered. ''So? That doesn't mean that you can't like him?'' Valery said.

''You're sick'' Malia took her books and she stood up. ''Where are you going? I'm not done!'' Valery said but Malia didn't want to listen to her anymore. She stood up and sat next to Noa.

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