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A-One year earlier
Its 1st of September, the beginning of the new school year. Of course most off morning brunch as Levi doesn't like the fact that they have to get up early and go to school. Some people are remembering happy moments from their vacations and travelings to the ocean. That must be nice. Ocean. So saltwater that even if merchants were trying to get out all its salt, it would never happen. That beautiful blue color, it must be the most beautiful thing in the world. However, Levi was only watching the ocean through the screen off the computer or TV. He never learned how to swim or went on a family vacation. Cus his parents never wanted to go anywhere. And Levi despite being 13 years old doesn't have his mobile phone. He never managed to save up enough money for it and to convince her parents to let him buy it. But he didn't mind. He didn't show that he minds. If he was to have a normal day, without dragging, kicking and screaming; he's happy. His life isn't easy. He has to take care of his younger brother which has some mental issues. Still, they are going to the same school, but not to the same class since he's brother is 12. While others were enjoying their summer vacations, Levi had to take care of his brother. He didn't have any saying in a matter. He didn't get a choice. He had to do that, and that was it.

~Morning ~
It's seven o'clock. Levi got up from his bed stretching and yawning. He went to a bathroom to brush his teeth and do the rest of the morning routine. Then he went to the kitchen and made breakfast for himself and his brother. Their parents were already at work. He wasn't really hungry but he ate. Then he picked clothes for himself and his brother, since kid took a winter sweater even tho it's still a summer. Then they got their backpacks and went to school. As they were leaving there were no problems. And Levi could only pray that it would stay that way.
~First period ~
Levi walked in his first period. Most kids were looking away from him, and some were even cursing that he's there. Levi just sighed looking down and walked to the back seat and sat alone. They were having a new chemistry teacher and she looked like an older woman, nicely dressed up, with a lot of makeup and determinant to get order into their class. She felt that Levis an outcast, I mean the person doesn't have to be a genius to figure that much out. Levi was looking down and sketching in his notebook, since he didn't even have a phone. Soon class started and the new teacher was insisting on teamwork, especially from Levi and everybody was looking at him in style getaway. Levi could feel it, he was feeling like that every day he goes to school. Of course he had some bullies in his class. Some kids would always say nasty comments about him and throw paper bombs, pencils, or anything else they have. Sometimes they would just grab his backpack, or one would hold him while others would hit him. It was all normal for Levi. He got used to bullying in most ways and he wouldn't even tell his parents anymore. He learned that he has to hide his problems. The new teacher was talking about bullying in school and how hiding is never the answer. Levi was quiet and looking down feeling her look on him.
What does she know?! This teacher is so stupid. If she'd only knew. Telling your parents is a worse decision anyone could make. When I was 9 years old, I started getting physically bullied and I listened to some stupid teacher and told my parents. But they made an even bigger problem and we are still feeling consequences off it. That was when I swore to never share my problems with them. Levi thought to himself. He was ignoring the whole conversation until he felt someone pocking him, it was a kid in front of him. He flinched and looked around and the teacher was standing in front of him. "Could you give me your name please? I'm asking you for 5 minutes already" the teacher said looking him straight into eyes. Levi quickly apologized and gave her his name. He was feeling awkward and heard other students giggling.

Since its the beginning of the school year, everybody is in a kinda good mood and it would stay like that for Levi, till later that day he was called to calm down his little brother.

Levis pov :
Yup, a well-known mission. Levi thought to himself. He arrived at the boys changing room and he saw his brother screaming and crying while trying to punch a wall. Of course teachers were trying to stop him, but when Levi came he had to do his job and calm him down.

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