Chapter 6: BIG TEDDY

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Hello everyone, I'm sorry I haven't updated this story earlier. To be completely honest I forgot about it. Heh, anyway, I wish everyone a Happy New Year (Serbian New Year is on 14th January) but we count days like the rest of the world. Anyway, let's get to the story.😊

They needed about two hours to make sure they are safe again and still some people stayed on the lookout just in case.
Levi sighed, laying in his bed, his arms behind his head served as an extra pillow. After the feeling of adrenaline passed away and he came to more clear senses again, he realized that he just had become the murder. True, the people he killed were criminals and murders themselves, but is that excuse to kill them? As he was thinking and staring at the blank, he forgot to turn off the lights.

Suddenly, Erwin knocked on the doors before coming in. "Are you alright?" Erwin asked in his soft voice.

Levi mentally face palmed himself. How did I forget that Erwin would be on the lookout and that lights are on in my room?

Since Levi hasn't responded, Erwin added "I understand that you probably can't sleep either. To be honest, I'm not feeling like sleeping myself, but you shouldn't ruin your biorhythm because later you would be tired during the day time and couldn't sleep during the night".

Levi couldn't help but think about how caring Erwin is. He is the best choice for a teacher, someone who always cares about others. There is no way Erwin could kill someone. Levi thought to himself.

" Oi, what's wrong?" Erwin asked, "Don't wanna talk to me?"

Levi slightly flinched out of his thoughts, "No it's not that at all. I'm just a bit of in my thoughts". Levi said quickly, hoping he hasn't messed something up. The short boy is sometimes so awkward in social situations.

Erwin nodded in understanding, a man doesn't have to be a genius to figure out what's happening inside Levi's head. ".. I wanted to say that I'm proud of you.." Erwin started, earning a confused look from Levi. " saved everyone".

Levi shrugged slightly "Maybe I didn't have to kill those criminals".

"Making the right choice isn't easy, but when dealing with people like that, you can't hesitate, cuz they wouldn't think twice about killing whether you or someone innocent. It's our job to make our comrades and innocent civilians feel safe and sound. By taking people like that out we care for others that need to be cared for." Erwin said softly embracing him.

Levi relaxed slightly in Erwin's warm embrace and the tall blonde seemed to notice it. "If you want, I can stay over and sleep next to you tonight; so you wouldn't be alone in the room?". Erwin asked slightly feeling awkward, but secretly hoped Levi would agree onto it.

" Sure, thank you" Levi responded slightly smiling.

Erwin smiled slightly back and nodded. "I'll change out of my uniform and get back.". He quickly left and changed into some PJs. It's usually a bit old gray sweatpants and some black T-shirts. He returned to Levi's room, smiling.

Erwin laid next to him, getting under the big warm blanket, pulling Levi in his arms, and holding the short male close, against his chest.

Levi snuggled up to Erwin as if the tall blonde is the giant teddy bear. So warm and soft. Levi thought as he purred softly in Erwin's touch as if a kitten in his owner's arms would.

Erwin smiled, turning the lights off and gently laying the kiss on top of Levi's head. " Good night, Levi" Erwin whispered as the boy dozed off. Tall blonde put his head on the pillow and soon fell asleep as well.

Sleep well, my little kitten.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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