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Hey guys! I decided to change the name of a place, I'm gonna call it Training Corp, just like in AOT. But there would be no regiments after it usual cadets would get a symbol Wings of Freedom, cadets who specialize in being a prison guard would get a Rose symbol (like Garrison) and the ones that specialize to work in court as bodyguards or in some other important institution would get a Unicorn (MP). Teachers would wear a Wings of Freedom and students would wear a usual training symbol. That's all, enjoy it!

Its morning. Yesterday everybody arrived at Training Corp and today training begins! The moment everybody's been waiting for, or not.

Levi got up from a bed and stretched yawning, he hated to get up early, but he had to. He went into the bathroom and took a long warm shower till her ears had become slightly red from hot water. Then he got dressed in uniform and went for breakfast.

During a day they were having their first classes. Levi was quiet and in the classroom nobody noticed that he's absent in his own thoughts. But when it came to training outside, he was doing most things wrong and it didn't seem to bother him too much.

Whatever, I don't want to be here anyway. Levi thought to himself.

Erwin couldn't help but notice it. He tried to help Levi, but it seemed that Levi himself only want to get over with it.

After a training Erwin came to Levi. "Um, Hey Levi. Are you free for a moment?" he asked not smiling. Even tho Erwin was always having a cheerful smile for everyone, his face was serious now.

For a moment Levi got scared. Great I got myself into trouble now! If they call my family I'm gonna be in so much trouble! Even tho Levi didn't want to be here, he doesn't want to go home either.

"U-um, sure" Levi responded a bit scared seeing Erwins serious face.

When they were alone Erwin finally said it "Is there something wrong, Levi? It was obvious that you don't care about the training and you don't seem to care about anything in here"

Levi knew this question would come, but he wasn't sure what to reply. Should he say that he really doesn't care or should he lie.

Levi seems to go deep into his thoughts so Erwin kinda snapped him out of them. "Just tell me the truth. Lying won't do any good. If you really don't care you should go back home, your wasting your time here" Erwin continued talking.

Levi flinched at the last words. He was looking confused and he was feeling like crying, but he had to hold back. No way he would have cried in front of some blondie he met yesterday. "... I don't wanna go home" Levi managed to mutter it out.

Erwin saw how Levis reaction changed. He didn't want to put pressure on a boy, but he had to do something. "There is no point in staying here if you learn nothing and cant become a cop. And if you do not train you won't be able to become one. And you want that, don't you?"
Erwin taught that Levi would change his mind and start talking but what he saw totally surprised him.
Levi was slightly shaking.

" Oi, nobody's gonna hurt you. I'm just trying to help you" Erwin tried to calm him down but it wasn't working.

Levi was lost, he has to get out of this situation. I don't know what I want anymore, but I can't allow them to kick me out.
"I'm really sorry sir. I promise ill try to be better" he responded. Levi needed to end this conversation quickly.

Erwin just sighed. "Doing something you don't like is the worst decision you can make. If you feel like going home, don't be afraid to talk to me."

Levi nodded and thanked him before leaving.

For the rest of a day, Levi was pretending that he's interested in training and he did better. However it was obvious that he didn't enjoy it. Erwin already knew that. He saw Levi. He noticed. There was no spark in his eyes, no smile on his face, no happy looks. His eyes were dull.

After the training, Levi hurried up in his dorm. My room, finally, my peaceful room. Levi thought to himself plopping on the bed. Looking at his sketchbook. He was still really nervous about what blond said. He doesn't have a place to get back and he doesn't see his future either. So is there any past or future. Or is it, just present, passing in front of our eyes. Levi sighed falling asleep

Erwin wanted to talk more to Levi, but since he's probably exhausted cus of training he decided to visit him tomorrow.
Hmm...this Levi guy looked interesting and he's quite hot. No damn it! Erwin pull yourself together! He's just a student, I can't possibly. But he's so cute. Damn it brain, shut up!

Tomorrow they were having a day off, so they can relax and rest for the next day.

Erwin walked over Levis room and knocked on the doors. "Ackerman, are you here?"

Levi mentally facepalmed himself. Oh great, he's probably gonna continue his overdramatic speech!

Erwin knocked again and Levi sighed, realizing that he can't run away now.

"Yes, I'm here. Just a moment" Levi responded calmly. He hid his sketchbook in his backpack and glanced at himself before he opened the door. He was wearing a dark green sweater with a hood, that's a bit too big on him, and dark blue sweatpants. Normal clothes I guess. Levi never found himself to be too attractive and he hated tight clothes. He thought that this way he can somehow "hide".

He sighed opening the doors.

Erwin walked in "I don't like repeating myself. So I would like to know what's the problem? You don't seem like you want to be here, and it's not like I want to kick you out, but I think as soon as you start doing what you like it would be better for you"

Levis pov :

This guy is getting on my nerves! What a holy fuck does he want from me?! To leave?! Well, that's nothing new! Everybody wants to get away from me, including my own family! I can't take it anymore!
"What the hell do you want from me?! If you want me to leave, fine, ill leave! I don't want to be here! But you don't understand anything! Everybody wanted to come here, right?! Well, not me! And I can't go back home! My parents would go nuts! This was their decision, not mine! I can't go back to them! So please just leave me alone! I don't want to be a cop!". It seemed that I lost my nerve, I started yelling at him, not even realizing what I was saying. I didn't notice his shocked face, I didn't notice anything. I only felt my eyes filling up with tears and that I can't talk anymore cus off sobs. I then felt his strong arms around me. Was he hugging me?!...

Erwins pov:

I felt that something seriously wrong with that kid. I want to help him. At first I was surprised when he started yelling and crying. But I quickly realized that he needs it. He needs to let all out. To cry out. I felt how lonely and sad he feels. I hugged him and held him close while he was sobbing. I put him to my chest and softly patted his head. "Shh, it's alright" I whispered to him. I noticed that he flinched a bit, but he wasn't struggling.

Levis pov :

When he hugged me I flinched, I never felt like this. Being in his arms felt so warm and save, I'd like to stay there forever. No wait, I cant! I'm not. I'm not! His deep but soft voice managed to calm me down and I relaxed a bit.

Erwins POV :

When he calmed down a bit, I slowly let go of him. I sighed. This is really complicated. For a few moments I was thinking about what I could say to him. "Look, I don't want to put pressure on you. When you think about it, it's really not my business. I only want to help you." I received a nod from a small raven-haired guy. "So try to think about it. Are you angry with your parents? Is it because of them that you hate this place?". Levi stayed quiet, I looked at him for a few moments. I realized that he probably can't answer this question in front of me. "Something to think about" I patted his shoulder and walked out.

Hey, I'm sorry I stopped the chapter now. I'm really tired, I'll write the next part soon. I love you all! 💗

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