Chapter 4: FREEDOM

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Hey guys, I started using Grammarly to improve my stories. Since English isn't my native language, I have to work really hard, and I'm ready to do so. Anyway let's get to a story! 😽

Levi's POV:

"So try to think about it. Are you angry with your parents? Is it because of them that you hate this place?". I got silent. I wasn't sure what to do. Am I really angry with my family? Is it just that? Agh, why do I feel so furious whenever I think about them?! Erwin got up and walked out of the room, leaving me with my own private problem. I plopped on the bed, trying to figure out what to do. Is it okay to be angry at them? They raised me, always made sure that I have a place to eat and sleep. They are my parents, but did they have to take care of me? What if not? Maybe they don't have to be with me? And they were just kind for all this year's and now decided that it was enough. But aren't I deserved the same as other kids my age? I probably wasn't good enough. Yeah, they weren't kind. I paid them back by being a slave to their beloved son. So what comes now? I don't have to pay them back anymore, I kinda found a new 'masters' who will give me food and bed in change for subordination. I sigh. Will, I will ever be a free man, or will I spend the rest of my life as a slave. Another sigh escaped my lips as I turn to lay on the side. If I finish school I might be able to provide enough for myself to live alone as a free individual. I pulled my blanket over myself feeling frostiness. The question is do I really want to be a cop? And do I really want to get back to my family? Here, everybody has to work and they got the same treatment, which isn't so bad. There ill become a slave again and everybody would treat me like that. I only know that I don't want to go back, never! With these thoughts, I fell asleep peacefully without anyone screaming and hiring others in front of me. Tomorrow, I woke up before sunrise by the sound of my phone beeping. I tiredly picked it up, not even looking at the screen.

"Levi, sweetheart, how are you doing?" The softest and sweets version of his mother's voice was heard.

Levi flinched knowing that something isn't right. "I'm fine" he yawned "It's only 4 in the morning, why would you call so early?" He asked sleepy

"Well, here's the thing. Your brother is having panic attacks again and we wondered if you would like to get back home. It isn't late."

Levi flinched feeling his eyes filling up with tears. They were rolling down his cheeks. His voice cracked "S-sorry mom, give me some time to think about it, ok?"

Despite the fact that his voice broke down, Levi's mother said in a very cold and strict voice "That's not up to you. Just send them a message from us"

Levi cut the call and started crying and sobbing into his pillow. That's it! Why am I such a fool?! They are going to send me back! I gonna spend the rest of my life as a slave! I can't take it anymore! I was trying to calm down but I couldn't. I was having a panic attack, drawing doesn't help me now. I took a small pocket knife and started cutting my wrists. I wasn't always hurting myself, only when I feel really bad, like now. I cut the first, second, third... Nobody needs you, you are just a damn slave! Why was I even born! I wish they killed me as a child!...

After few hours Erwin knocked on Levi's door. It was only six in the morning. Levi was having black circles under his eyes, his cheeks and eyes were red from crying and he was wearing a baggy dark green sweater with hood.

Erwin was shocked when he saw Levi. Is he that miserable cus he's here?! I can't let him hurt himself. "So, Levi I was thinking if you want we can let you go. This isn't a prison, you can be free to decide in which school you are going to transfer" Erwin said hoping that would light up the mood.

But instead of being happy, Levi buried his face into his palms crying even harder. His sleeves moved revealing bandages on his wrists. Erwin was stunned. He looked at Levi for a few moments, not being able to understand what's going on. Suddenly Levi's phone vibrated. With shaky hands, Levi picked up the phone answering and his voice cracking. "H-hello?". On the other side of a line it was heard his mothers voice. " Levi, your dad will soon pick you up. Your brother is so happy, he said he missed you so much.". Levi tried to say something "B-but mom, I don't want to go..", his mother immediately cuts him up " Don't be silly, of course, you'll get back to your brother. You have to take care of him, that's what the family is for, right?" Levi sighed sadly and answered "Yes mom, I'll be back". Erwin listened to the whole conversation carefully. When Levi hung up he finally let out the voice.
" Wait, you don't want to go home?"

"Does it look like I have a choice?!" Levi yelled, he didn't care anymore. Every other person he knew would probably beat the crap out of him. But right now he couldn't control himself. "Well I don't have a choice! I never had! I was always the slave who's gonna obey the orders! I don't deserve to live if I'm not slaving around my younger brother! They thought to kick me out, but since high school isn't obligated I can just continue being even a better slave than before! So go ahead, I know I will never be a free person! There is no point in hiding it!"

Instead of hitting him, Erwin took Levi into his big arms, pulling him into a soft hug. Levi was at first surprised. Nobody ever cared about him. He tried to push Erwin away. He wasn't understanding and whenever he doesn't understand, he's frightened. But Erwin was too strong and he kept him in the hug. Levi realized that he can't fight and he just buried face into Erwin's chest sobbing. Erwin held him like that, softly rubbing his back. Levi relaxed, he never felt like this. The feeling was so calming and gentle. After Levi calmed down, Erwin slowly let go of him. "Listen, your not a slave. Nobody can make you do something you don't want to. You are going to stay here. I won't let them take you" Erwin said in a stern and serious voice. Levi was still looking insecure but he felt that Erwin's trustworthy. Soon Levi's father came to pick him up. He was demanding to take Levi, since Levi's still a minor. But the principal showed their approval and said that it would be up to Levi to decide. His father wasn't nervous, knowing that he taught Levi well, about his life purpose. Levi was sitting in the room with the principal in front of himself, his father on the right and Erwin standing next to principal. He peeked at Erwin's ocean blue eyes. Freedom. Levi looked at them, then at his father's cold brown eyes, that were not showing any emotions. He took a deep breath and said "I wanna stay at Training Corp". His father's eyes went wide " You stupid child!" He yelled "We can not a low him to choose! He's just a kid, he doesn't know what he's talking about". Erwin stopped him "Your son was intimidated by going back home. Allow him to stay here, or we'll press charges for child abuse and take him from you. ". Father flinched looking at Levi and said coldly " I thought I taught you about your purpose, but you betrayed the whole family. You are disgrace!" With those words, Levi's father walked out of the principal office. Levi stayed there looking down. He wasn't crying. He cried enough when he found out how his family is really seeing him.
Erwin later took Levi to his room, and this time Levi gave him a big hug. "....Thank you". Tears were rolling down his face, it was tears of happiness. Erwin hugged him back softly rubbing his back. " It's alright Levi". After some time he looked again at Erwin's ocean blue eyes. The eyes of a man who gave him the freedom.

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