A new life

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I was sitting in my cabin when Annabeth came in.
"hay, I'm going to Olympus to help mom for the day" she told me, but i hear so much lie in her voice, i thought she was planning a surprise party for me because it was my berthday, Yep I'm 18.
"sure, but not too long" I told her.
"I'll try" she said and ran off.
I had my own plan, I was going to fallow her to see what was up. Something just didn't feel right.

I fallowed her in the hot sun all the way to Manhattan. the walk was long and there was no water around to cool. I sat at the bace of a big maple tree, she was across the street walking to an apartment building. Then the most unexpected thing happened. A man walk up to her and they greated each other with a looonnnggg ass kiss. I was shocked, I was pissed, I could not baleve what I was seeing.
"hay john" she said with a smile.
I walk back to camp then my cabin not wanting to talk to any one.
(when Annabeth returns)
I sat in my ccabin all day. It was now 12:30 am And she walked in.
"Hay, sorry I missed your birthday"
"how did it go" i Asked with disappointment. She shied.
"longer than I hoped, we built sculptures all day"
"I ment with John" i said, and she looked shoked.
"How-did you-" I cut her off.
"I fallowed you" I told her.
"Percy, in sorry, I j-just, when you said you wernt ready for sex I lost the spark" thats what she said wrong.
"How many men" I asked.
"6" she told me.
"I'm a fool" I told her "and your a hoe" and ran off to Olympus, i need a new reason to live, i have nothing, the seven have moved on, my mom movied I need something to live for.

When I got to Olympus the gods were in a arguement. All were yelling at each other not hearing the other.
"HAAYY!!!" I yelled.
"Percy, what can I do for you" Zuse the first to respon.
"I need a new reasin to live, Annabeth cheated on me" I look at Athena and she looks down in shame.
"I'm sorry to hear that" Zuse said, " I already know what I'm going to do" he said looking at Artemis.
"You will be the protecter of the hunt"
"What" I ask like I didn't hear him.
"You heard me"
"No! The hunt will kill me"
"I'll make sure it dosen't happen"
" fine, but only because i don't want to argue" I told him.
"Goog, good, now say you vows"
"I Pecy Jackson swar on the Stix to protect my laddie and her hunters, but if they rong me I will forever leave" I said and thunder rumbled in the distants.
"Good, now meat me in Yellowstown, male" she told me and said male like it was a diseases.
When I got to the camp, all the bows were on me. Scowls came frome ever ware I hered and twelve 'fuck you's'.
All i did was go to the gree tent that was the biggest (my dad gave it to me, thats why) but be for I could go in I was stoped.
"Only females have the right to a tent" they said in unoin.
"But it's my tent, from MY dad, i want to sleep there I will" I replied back.
"Their right, you sleep with only a blanket" Artemis told me and through a blanket at me.

I walked away from camp, Artemis said that I'm not worthy to be in camp, only to get food, so i stay out in the woold and make sure there are no monsters.
I lay their and look in the stars, they are to beautiful, they remind me that not all in the world is bad, they remind me that the world is still mostly good, even thought at times like these it dosent feel that way.

Its been a week with them, and i hate it, they prank me, make me do all the chores and im not even aloud in the camp. Right now the hunt was on a track down for a monsters so. I'm not aloud to be in there presents unless they bring me arows to sharpen, or if Artemis had a quest, witch are always stupid. The only time I have fun is when there are monster attacks. I was training at the moment, thats all i can do, I train non-stop, with sowrds, with knives, with spears. I don't do bows, one I suck, two they don't let me, Sad i know, but i have a trianing spot a my camp that dosen't have a tent. I almost never get to see anyone, not even my dad, only on my birthday, for two hours I can see my dad, and freinds, and my dad visits me every two months, but he just has so much work to do.
It's now 5:30 pm and the hunt have just return, they gave me new arows to sarpen and take the sarpend ones, then leave. But Artemis was still there.
"I think you can have you tent now" she said, I just nod and she snaps and it apears all set up.
"you worked for it, but you will never be aloud in camp, the only reason you get this is because of Thalia" she said and i just nod and she walks away.
"Gods i hate you" she mumbled.
Well thats my life. I watched her walk away. She alomast reached camp when a hellhound jumd on her. I rushed in to action. It leeped at me befor it bit her head off but i was too quick, i slit its throte befor it got to me.
"WHAT THE HELL" Artemis yelled.
"I didn't order you to do that"
"Your welcome" i said and walked away not caring about what she was say. I lied on a patch of grass looking at the stars, why dose she do that, can't she just thank me for saving her, and for staying out of her way. I sit there thinking, about mostly good things I have. Wondering if they will ever exept me as family.

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