the Escape

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For three thousand years I was tortured, three thousand yeas I had to fight for my life in tartarus, I was Maximus, son of Posiden, prince of the saes, defeater of Atlas, slayer of Oeacus.
If it wert for me we would have never won the titan war. But Zuse saw me too powerful, a threat so he casted me to tartarus forever, only he can let me out.
After three thousand years I finaly can not feel pain, so now they stoped, I made a deal with almost every monster. we would be friends down here, but in the uper world we are enemys.

I was curently at a monster bar driking monster beer (real strong stuff) when a drunk Telkahien yelled at me.
"AAAAAYYYYYYY!!!, mere" he said whiched confused me but I walked over.
"Why the fuck are you yelling" I asked.
"I-" he skwinted hard "wanted to tell you, your u-ugly" he siad with a second skwint.
" You need a mirror fucker if you think I'm ugly" I told. He looked me in the eyes.
"I have suff" he said.
"I'm sure you have plenty of stuff"
"I have stick, and a sock" he told me like it was cool.
"vary cool"
"you know, once I killed a flower, it looking at me" he told me.
"that was rude of the flower" I said back in a annoyed tone and then walked away.
"AAAAAYYYYYY" he yelled "mere"
"what" I said with anger.
"you smell good, like strawberries" he told me.
"and you smell like fucking shit and how would you know what that smells like" I said and walked away to where I my cave was. There I trained, slept and eat, mostly trian. I was undefeted.
I sat there looking a the discussing Pit. Waiting to escape.
(two days later)
I was it my cave rosting Drakon meet. It was good after awile of eating it but I longed for chicken. I hated Zuse for puting me dwon hear. I was lonely no one liked me exept the drunk telkahien. I smiled at the thought. Then took a bite out of the meat. A bitter tast came to my mouth. I hate Zuse of this, but I forgave him. Thats the true way to dafeat you enemy. I thought of all the gifts this gave me. Strangth, hope, and humidity.
Out of no where a spear landed at my feet.
"it's time for raveng" Oceanus yelled, and I grabed my triedent and leaped in to battle.
'what is the plan' I ask myself. then I was hit in the chest with a foot.
'I know, how bout I live, yeah, I like it when i do that, it's my favourite thing to do' I thought to my self.
I dogged his spear and then I slamed my Triedent in the ground and swong on it, like it was a pull, and kiked him in the chin and sent him flying to the fround. But he quickly recover and came back with a jab. I side steped and swong my Triedent and hit the back of his knee and he fell on that knee. But he used it and sweped leg cross the ground, befor it hit me I stabed his ankle. He yelled in pain, I jumped up pulling the Triedent out and swong it around in the air so I could slame it in his face but before I cold hit him he grabbed the Triedentand through It, and me being the samrt one and not letting go went with it. He then through the spear in my left sholder and charged. He jabbed at me and I jumped on the spear and then behind him and jabbed his leg, then swong behind h im and hit me with the end of his spear And i went rolling, but got on my feet with grate speed and charged him, he swong at me from the left but I blocked and came back with a right swing witch was blocked. Then I swong my leg a cross the ground, triped him stabed him in the chest and then his throat.
"Not to day fucker" I said then I blacked out.

When I woke up I was in my cave in my bed 'wait, i don't have a bed' I thought to my self. I looked around, by the camp fire there was a man in a toga COOKING CHICKEN. I Ran over and took off one of the leggs. The man just chucked, than thats when I saw who he was.
"Zuse" I say with poison in my words.
"Look, I before you do anything, I wanted to say I'm sorry, I was foolish to put you here, I was young, and I saw you as a threat to my throne, but now, I just hope you forgive me, everthought I don't deserve it" he told.
"I forgave you a long time ago" I told him. He smiled and said
"well, are you ready to go home" he ask and I nodded and shed a single tear. he grabed my four arm then there was a bright lighg. When it faded I was on a beach zuse was gone and I was staring at a orange sunset that made the sea gold. I sat there smiling with more tears slowly falling down my face.
"thank you Zuse" I said and watched the sun turn into stars.
(two yaers later)
It has been two years since zuse let me out. I travled the world saw how advance has become. I saw the beauty of nature.

Right now I was in yellow stone, the only place i had not see. It was night and the stars were shining The moon was bright, I sat there similing thinking about the last two years when I hear the grass move. I flet a goddess that was powered by the moon. Not wanting her to get her ass kiked I ran off. But she fallowed and soon there was twelve of them. I ran jumping downed trees, and hight rocks, and small cliffs. it took me two minuets to loss them. I was much faster and stronger that them, fuck I lived in tartarus for three thousand years. I figured they would be back, so I slept. When I woke, there was and silver arow next to my face. 'Damn, them agian' I thought to myself and ran.

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