Chapter Two

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Be the one that feels bad---------------------------

Oh shit. Did I go to far? Maybe a hit a soft spot for him.

I looked up from my desk, the whole class was staring at me. One of the girls came rushing over. "Dave! Are you ok? What did that loser say?" Great, another fan girl. Its hard to keep track of them all.
  "I'm fine, but Karkat isn't."
Another girl came over despite the teacher telling everyone to settle down.
  "Move it, I told you he's mine." She mumbled as she pushed the first girl away. "Hey davey~" she whispered with a wink. "Did he hurt you?" She asked as she sat on my desk. I know exactly what she's doing.
  "I'm fine, please go back to your desk..." I mumble. This is the one thing that makes me uncomfortable. I hate it when the girls try these sorts of things during class, it doesn't get my attention at all. To be honest it's the worst part about being popular. She sat back with a frown.
  "But Davey~" she wrapped her arms around my neck. I could see the teacher glaring. "You can be honest to your girlfriend~" a few of the other girls in turned and stared, a couple of then whispering to each other.
  "You're not my girlfriend and it won't happen if you embarrass yourself like that in front of the class." She stepped back.
  "I- how could you?" She was clearly offended.
  "Like I said, I'm not interested. Now please go back to your desk so we don't get in trouble..." I muttered, hiding my face in my hands.
  "Back off, he's clearly embarrassed!" One of the boys called out. Why hasn't the teacher stopped anyone. I looked over towards his desk. Fuck he's on his computer. I stood up and grabbed my bag.
  "Where are you going?" The teacher asked as he looked up.
  "Finding Karkat."
He nodded and handed me a slip of paper.
  "Make sure you find him, oh and tell him that you and him are partners." He mumbled before looking back at his computer. Me and Karkat? Partners? Oh god this isn't going to end well. I ran out of the classroom.
  "Davey wait!" Man can she just fuck off?

I walked down the hallways aimlessly for a while, no sign of Karkat whatsoever. "Where the hell is he?" I mumbled. I heard footsteps behind me and turned around.
  "Hey Dave!" Great.
  "What do you want June?" I asked.
  "Who are you looking for?"
"Karkat. Have you seen him?"
June looked confused. "Why do you care where he is?"
"We're working on something for class together but he kinda stormed out before he was told."
June smiled. "Well he's outside, I assume by the old soccer field. That's where he usually spends his time.
"Thanks June."
"No problem Dave." She said with a smile before walking off.

I pushed the door as hard as I could and ran onto the field. As I thought, Karkat was sat on the grass in front of the benches.
"Hey Kitkat." I said with a smirk as I dropped down besides him.
"What the actual fuck do you want!? I just want to get away from you and your fucking annoying ass personality!"
"Come on, don't be like this. I came to apologise."
"For what? Being a fucking dick? Reminding me of how stupid everything is!?"
"Well yeah." I said bluntly. "Oh and just so you know, we're partners." I could see the anger on his face. "What's up? Now you get some quality Strider time!" I winked.
"No, now kindly fuck off."
"You know what? I don't think I will." I shuffle closer to him. "Suck it up Kitkat, you're stuck with me for the next month."
He sighs in defeat. "So it's about relationships huh?"
I nodded in response. "Well everyone is gonna choose the obvious choice here."
"And what's that?" Karkat asked, one eyebrow raised.
"Everyone's gonna write about straight couples and stuff so I say we change things up."
"Your point?" He asked, now more impatient then before.
"theres a thing called being gay?"
"Im not stupid, I know what the opposite if being straight is dumbass- and do either of us know anything about that?"
"About being gay?" I question.
"Ok, so you meant being gay." I explained.
"But Don't we have to include personal experiences or experiments for this? That's what usually happens in projects like this?"
"We can make stuff up."
"But then everyone will think you're gay, I thought you liked attention from the girls?"
"What do you mean 'you're gay?' Shouldn't it be we're? Wait- OMG KARKAT-"
"Don't get any ideas fuckass! I don't do relationships, its stupid!"
I nod. "Yeah yeah, sure you are."
"Do you every fucking shut your god damn mouth?" He asked.
Karkat looked down. "So what exactly are we gonna do? Do we like... practise on each other or..."
I scratched the back of my neck. "To be honest I don't really know... if you're comfortable then I guess we can."
"But that means..."
"Do you want to pass or not?"
"I don't give a shit about grades. I haven't for months."
"But still-"
"Listen, I don't wanna get all mushy with ya but I wanna pass so if that means I've got too then I will."
"Lay one fucking finger in me and I will break your fucking arm."
"Ooo feisty, I like that~" I mumbled as I place a hand on his shoulder.
"Don't fucking touch me you piece of shit!"
"Aww but Kitkat~"
"Dude chill, I'm taking the piss now calm down."
Karkat stood up.
"Where do you think you're going?" I asked.
"Home, Kankri won't be home until later so I can get away with skipping."
"Dude no-"
"Dude yes." He picked up is bag and threw it over his shoulder.
"Wait who the fuck is Kankri?"
"He's my brother idiot."
I nodded. "In that case I'm coming with you."
"WHAT!?" He yelled.
"We can work on the project."
"Well fuck you too, but I'm coming with, end of."
"Ugh fine, hurry up and get your ass up before I drag you."
I stood up quickly and followed Katkat.

"So where do you live?" No answer. "Karkat? Kitkat! Kitkaaat~" I tapped him on the shoulder. "HELLO!?" I yelled. He took out his earphones and clenched his fists.
"What in the world do you want now!?"
"Why the hell are you wearing headphones?"
"So I can't hear you."
"Anyways where do you live?"
I watched as he pointed to a set of apartments.
"No way! What number?"
"Why does it matter?"
"Just what number?"
He sighed. "Twenty one."
"Dude no way! I'm in the appartment opposite you in the second building with all the posters in the window!" The look on his face is one I will never forget.
"You've got to be shitting me?"
"How come I've never see you?" I watched him put his headphones back in.
"Wow rude."
"Cool, do you think I care?" I shrugged.
"Well this is gonna be fun..."

Strider Be Mine || Humanstuck! Davekat Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum