Chapter Three

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--------------------------be the one who craves AJ

Karkat and I finally made it to his apartment. "I swear to god if you break anything-"
"Oh shut up I won't break anything."
Karkat unlocked the door and we walked in. "So where do I-"
"Throw it in the corner." I watched as he threw his bag into the corner of the room. He walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. "Want anything dipshit?" He called through to me.
"Have you got apple juice?"
"Yeah, gimme a sec." He poured himself a cup of coffee and some apple for me.
"Thanks dude." I said as he sat down on couch.
"So how are we gonna do this project if we hate each other?"
"Correction, you hate me. What have I done?" I asked with a smirk.
"You just can't get enough me really~"
"FuCk OFF!" Karkat looked angry.
"Why? Because you're still having voice cracks?"
"Leave me alone! It happens ok!?"
I finally calmed myself down and rested my head on the back of the couch.
"Sooo.... what are we gonna do?" Of course, Karkat being the little prick he is had already opened his computer.
"Shut up, I'm messaging Kankri."
I looked at him in confusion. "Why?"
"To tell him someone broke in."
"What the fuck-"
"Obviously not dumbass, I'm letting him know I'll be back from school earlier so he doesn't freak out if he sees us here before Three."
I nodded.

I watched him close his laptop and sigh. "So what now, idiot?"
"Don't be so hostile jeez. I guess we can work on the project."

------------------------be the raging, closeted gay

I could feel my face heat up a little. Fuck I can't do this. No one knows I'm gay and I'm NOT ready for people to find that out. He wants to 'experiment'. WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN? I SWEAR IF HE TRIES ANYTHING I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WILL DO. I CAN'T JUST NOT PANIC.
Woah, ok calm down Karkat, he won't try anything...right? Besides, he's the straightest guy I know. He's definitely not willing to ruin his reputation. If anyone started a rumour that he liked dick then that would be the end of him. "Well, how are we supposed to do this?"
He looked at me and smiled. "What if you tried on me?" Dave said.
"What does THAT mean?"
"Kiss me."
"Excuse me?"
"You're excused. But you heard me."
"I'm not kissing you." I stood up and began to walk to my room. Dave shot up and ran towards me, pinning me to the wall. "It can't be that bad! We're bros aren't we? One lil kiss won't hurt~"
"Yes. It. Fucking. Will."
"What's your problem jeeeezzz-"
I couldn't take his whining and so, although I was now in the moment of a huge gay panic, I agreed. "F- fine, I'll kiss you dumbass."
Dave put his hands on my waist, and I did the same to him. I've never kissed a guy, why does this fucking moron have to be my first kiss!? I leant in slowly and kissed him on the lips. I wanted to just pull away instantly but at the same time I couldn't bring myself to. We stood there for a few seconds before Dave pulled away. I looked him in the eyes before realising what I had done. "I- I... we just...-"
"See, that wasn't so bad was it?
"I can tell you like it~" he whispered in my ear.
"Dude I'm kiddingggg. I'm not into you dumbass."
"Yeah sure." He stared at me for a moment, still holding onto me.
"So.... do we... do it again?" I asked.
"I guess so...?" He replied unsure.
Why do I do this to myself!? Why did I say that!? It doesn't matter I just need to stop this.

But it was too late.

His lips hit mine, but this time it felt different. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed back, I mean that was my only option... is what I told myself. We stood there like that for a minute or two before breaking apart. "You ok Kitkat?" He asked.
"Y- yeah! Just sit down, we're watching a movie so I can forget this!"
"If something is up you can tell me you know."
"I'm fine!"
"If you're sure..."

We sat down together on the couch. "What do you wanna watch?" I asked, trying to take my mind off the kiss.
"I don't know, what do you wanna watch?"
"Find a romcom or something."
"You like that sorta stuff?"
I nodded in response.
"Ok? Which one... there's-"
"That one." He said, pointing to a random movie.
"Just put it on!" Dave agreed, and started the movie.

----------Be the kid taking his chance to flirt

We were half way through the movie, I'm surprised Karkat hasn't fallen asleep on my shoulder yet. Maybe I should make a move in him? He's really concentrated on the tv so he won't notice... perfect. I casually slip my arm around his waist but something inside me wants him to notice. I smiled and pulled him close to me. "What the fuck!?" He yelled. I didn't answer. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I smiled.
"Putting my arm around you. What else am I doing?"
He looked at me and I could swear he growled.
"Ok feisty, calm down. Wait- did you just.... growl!?" Karkat buried his face into his hands.
"N- no."
"You did!" I couldn't help but smile. So that was kinda cute.
"Ok maybe I did... so what?"
"Its cute~" I whispered.
"N-no it's not, its weird. I hate it."
"Its not weird at all, Karkles."

It was almost the end of the movie and Karkat had wrapped his arms around me, hiding his face in my neck.
"K- kitkat?"
"Its soooo sad dave! Why did he leave her!?" He cried.
"You're getting worked up over a romcom, calm down."
"But it's so saddddd!" I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him onto a hug.
"Its ok-"
"They were supposed to get married!"
"Jesus Karkles, calm the hell down. It's a movie." He slowly let go of me and looked down.
"Maybe we should do something else?"
"Like what?" I asked.

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