Prologue: How it began

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             It all started with that umbrella. Marinette had hated Adrien until he gave her his umbrella. It might not have meant much to him, but Marinette had forgiven him immediately because of how sweet it was. She had started to have a crush on him at that very moment and joined all the girls in Paris who had a crush on the cute model. She started to have butterflies in her stomach and couldn't form an understandable statement when she was around him. She made a poster of his day-to-day schedule so she always knew where he was. She put up countless pictures of him all around her room and watched the ads he made for hours. 

Alya -her best friend- noticed that she was obsessed and tried to get Marinette to tell Adrien about her crush but everything she tried failed. Alya set up all kinds of activities trying to nudge Marinette towards Adrien. Unfortunately for both Alya and Marinette, Adrien was in love with Ladybug, Paris' Super Heroine. Adrien and Marinette had a quite sad love square going, seeing as Marinette is Ladybug and that Adrien is Cat Noir (Ladybug's crime-fighting partner.) This wouldn't be the worst thing in the world except for the fact that Adrien can't accept Marinette's feelings because he loves Ladybug, and Ladybug won't accept Cat Noir's feelings because she loves Adrien. The super heroes don't know their partner's secret identity so this basically makes an awkward love square (Hence the title.) Now, I only explained that because it is something you need to know in order to read this story. It is now time for the actual story.

Thank you for your time.                                                                                                                                                   -Twelve

Edited 9/27/22 (approximately 2 1/2 years after original publication) 

P.S. None of the artwork I use is mine. I take no credit for it, it is only to help move the story along.

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