Chapter 1: Cats don't always land on their feet

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Adrien's POV

Chapter 1: Cats don't always land on their feet

I couldn't help myself. After every Akuma fight I went to Marinette's balcony as Cat Noir. Marinette was one of my friends in my civilian form and I went to talk to her every time Ladybug rejected me. She had begun to set out cookies and hot chocolate for me after every Akuma fight. She was always sitting there waiting for me to eat the treats. Once we had finished the cookies and hot chocolate we would talk about our lives. I would talk about Ladybug's newest rejection and superhero life and then she would talk about her friends and her crush. She never described her crush and she hadn't told me the guy's name, but she told stories of what she had accidentally done around him and the awkward way she talked to him.

One day, after a particularly long Akuma fight, I dropped onto her balcony only to find that she wasn't there and there were no cookies or hot chocolate. I went down the stairs from the balcony to her room where I found her asleep over her homework. She must have been extremely tired if she fell asleep with her head on the large textbook. She looked so adorable with her hair scattered around her face, I couldn't help but move her hair out of her face and kiss her forehead. I slowly picked her up and started to carry her over to her bed. I was almost to her bed when I tripped and fell, dropping Marinette on the ground beside me. She groaned and woke up, jumping when she saw me beside her. She shrieked and jumped up to her feet. I slowly got to my feet and faced her, blushing in embarrassment that I was so clumsy. 'She must be rubbing off on me,' I thought. She was staring at me as she tried to figure out what had just happened. She was as confused as I was embarrassed.

"What just happened?!?" She yelled. I jumped at her tone. She sounded so angry, I thought steam was going to come out of her ears. Now I was mad, too. All I'd done was try to help her get to bed, and I was going to make sure she knew it. "What just happened? Marinette, I was trying to help you out! I saw that you weren't on the balcony, so I came in here to check on you. I saw you asleep on your textbook and figured it was pawsitively uncomfortable so I picked you up and was going to carry you to your bed. The only problem is that I tripped and dropped you and..." I trailed off realizing she had a right to be mad at me. I had barged into her room and dropped her to the floor of her bedroom, after all. "I'm sorry, that was uncalled for. It was my fault I shouldn't have attacked you like that. Again, I'm sorry." I knew I looked completely pathetic begging for forgiveness like I was. I was genuinely sorry. "Wait a minute! Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I asked as I started to inspect her from head to toe.

"I think I'm okay," she said while she slowly moved her arms. She put weight on her left foot and winced. "Yeah, I don't think I'm completely okay." She yelped as she tried to go to her chaise and sit down. 

I sat down beside her and looked down at her. "Where does it hurt?" I asked looking concerned. She pointed to her feet. I looked at her feet. "Which foot is it?" I asked. She pointed to her left foot. I gently picked it up and inspected it, not seeing anything amiss I set it back on the floor carefully. "It doesn't look broken. Do you need me to bring you to the hospital?" 

"No, I'll be fine." she said. I shot her a look silently telling her she should have it checked out at the hospital anyway. "Fine," she caved. "Let's just tell my parents and they can take me to the hospital." I glanced at her, surprised she wanted to tell her parents what had just happened.

 "You want to tell your parents what just happened?" I questioned.

"No, not really but there's not much else we can tell them." she stated. 

"What if we told them you were just being your usual clumsy self and tripped?" I said as my eyes lit up and I continued, "And I, being your knight in shining leather, Princess, I heard your yelp and ran down here to save a damsel in distress." She looked at me as if I were crazy. "What?! It's a good plan!" I explained trying to get her to go with it. 

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