Chapter 2: Alya the Suspicious

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Adrien's POV

I stood in Marinette's room waiting for her to come out of the bathroom. I looked around the room and realized that there were pictures of me hanging up everywhere, she didn't know that of course, as I was comfortably hiding within my black suited persona. 

I stared at the pictures wondering why she had so many in her room. I pondered this intently while staring at the pictures. Apparently, I had been standing there for a while because Marinette cleared her throat behind me and asked, "You ready to go?" 

I looked around the room one more time and saw my schedule on a poster in the back of her room labeled 'Adrien's lovely schedule' with hearts drawn around it. "Yeah, but before we go I have a question for you." I looked back at her, and she nodded so I continued. "Do you have a crush on Adrien Agreste?" I stared at her waiting for an answer, suddenly realizing that I was jealous. I was jealous of myself!

She sputtered for a couple moments and I finally stopped her misery by saying, "We really need to get going so we're not late to school." I picked her up and climbed onto the roof. I quickly jumped from roof to roof until I reached the high school and dropped down to the ground. I gently put her down and was about to leave when I heard a gasp from behind me. 

I turned to see Alya staring at me. "What? Haven't you ever seen a noble steed?" I said in a perfect Donkey impersonation. Alya gasped again and then keeled over with laughter once she realized what I had said. I quickly ran away to the bathroom while she was distracted and detransformed back into my civilian form. I walked out of the bathroom and met up with Nino, Alya, and Marinette. 

Alya was still searching for Cat Noir and Nino had clearly just joined the group because he looked confused by Alya's excitement. Nino stopped his girlfriend with a hand on her shoulder and asked what had happened. Alya started gesturing madly and her words became more clear as I walked forward. 

"Cat Noir was here! He dropped Marinette off and left before I could interview him!" Alya exclaimed, still trying to find him. 

"Wait, Marinette why did Cat Noir drop you off and why do you have a boot?" I asked her, pretending that I didn't already know. 

She blushed before saying, "Cat Noir was carrying me somewhere last night after the Akuma fight and accidentally dropped me, he brought me to the hospital so I could get my ankle checked out. I got my boot because the hospital didn't have any crutches my size. He said that he felt bad because it was his fault that I got hurt and said he was going to be my noble steed this fine morning." She giggled and said under her breath, "What a dork." My heart warmed when I heard the fond way she spoke about me. I blushed and looked at her realizing that she didn't know that she'd been heard. Alya however looked at Marinette as if she were an alien. She must be confused about the fact that Marinette is friends with Cat Noir.

Marinette looked up at Alya as she said something into her ear. The already flustered girl blushed and I stared at her for a moment. 'When did she become so beautiful?' I thought and then shook my head. 'No, Adrien, you can't think like that. You love Ladybug, remember?' I was confusing myself and needed a break. I made an excuse to the group and ran to the bathroom again. Once I was in a stall and knew that I was alone, I started to talk to Plagg. 

"Plagg, I'm starting to like Marinette. I can't like Marinette! I like Ladybug!" my breathing suddenly became a lot harder, and my kwami came out of my jacket staring at me as I began to have what was shaping up to be a panic attack.

"Look kid. You need to move on from Ladybug! She has rejected you countless times and she already told you that she had a crush on someone else. Just think, who is always there for you when you get rejected? Who always welcomes you? Who feeds you on a daily basis? Maybe that's who you should start liking instead." 

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