Chapter 3: Jealous Kitty

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*Time skip to after school*

Alya's point of view

I had paid my cousin to come to the school after we got out to hit on Marinette and see if Chat would show up. I tried to get Nino to help me but he said he didn't want to be involved in anything that could get him in trouble again, like when I thought Chloe was Ladybug. So instead I had texted Alex, who went to a private school on the other side of Paris, to see if he could help me out. He had quickly responded that he would be free at about the time school got out and he would help me as long as I explained to him why he was doing it and he got cash out of the deal. 

I quickly explained that my best friend got a ride from Chat Noir that morning and I wanted to see if he had marked her as his territory in his mind yet, because he surely would when he realized how amazing she was.

I waited in the bushes and watched as my cousin walked up to Marinette. He actually was kind of cute now that I thought about it. Oh boy, are we going to have a jealous Chat on our hands. 

My cousin kept talking to Marinette and it looked like he had asked her for her phone number because she suddenly looked very stiff. It looked like she kindly rejected him and then she started hobbling away from the school again. She didn't get very far before my cousin grabbed her wrist and tried a different approach. 

It was then that I saw Chat on the roof of the school. He looked like he was ready to kill Alex and he appeared to be hissing like only a cat could. He dropped from the roof, right beside Marinette, and grabbed her wrist away from my cousin and then swooped Mari into his arms just like she had been that morning. She put her arms around his neck and he used his baton to launch them towards her home.

My cousin came up to my hiding spot in the bushes and helped me out of them. "Well? Did you get the answers you were looking for?" I had gotten the answers I was looking for and I loved them. I was so happy for Marinette I almost squealed right then and there. Marinette obviously hadn't figured it out yet so I wasn't going to spoil it for her. This was sure going to be fun.

Adrien/Chat's point of view

I saw a random guy who I had never met before flirting with Marinette and I was not okay with it. He asked her a question and she looked uncomfortable for a second before she responded. She started walking away but he grabbed her wrist. I was not going to stand for this! No man touches my Marinette and gets away with it!

I jumped down from the roof between Marinette and the stranger and gave him a nasty look before pulling her into my arms and jumping away from the scene. I gently sat her down in an alley and asked her if she was okay. 

"Yes, I'm okay Kitty. My wrist hurts a little bit but it'll be fine," she responded calmly. 

I checked her over one more time before I was fully satisfied with her answer and I picked her back up. "Ok, let's get you home then, Princess."

I quickly jumped over to Marinette's balcony and set her down softly. "I'm sorry that I acted that way purrincess. It was uncalled for. I just really didn't like the way that he was acting and when he grabbed your wrist I don't know what came over me but I needed to get you out of there." 

She looked at me surprised for a second before she responded, "It's fine Kitty. I knew that your intentions were good. I'm very grateful that you got me away from him, I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't." I let out the breath that I didn't know I was holding.

I'm so glad that she's not angry at me for the way I acted. I need to work on my self control. Superheroes don't just jump off of roofs and run away with pretty girls. Superheroes respectfully help them run away. I struggled to hold myself in check and not facepalm. What I did was so rash. I made a vow to myself that I wouldn't do that again unless it was an absolute emergency. Which it practically was at the time but whatever.

Suddenly an idea came to me and I couldn't help myself from letting it slip out. "Marinette, can I be your fake boyfriend so that nothing like that ever happens again? I don't want anyone to look at you that way. I know that it's dangerous to be dating a superhero but I promise that I'll protect you, if you let me that is."

I had looked away while I said it, fearing how Marinette would react to my impulsive statement. When I heard her gasp I couldn't help but turn my head to gauge her reaction. She didn't look opposed, more shocked at the idea of such a thing. I waited patiently for her response but as the silence droned on doubts began to seep into my thought process. 

Maybe I've been reading too much fanfiction but this seems to be the perfect way to get closer to Marinette and maybe even get her to fall for my charms. It wasn't the plan that I'd thought up only hours before but it sure seemed to be the best path for getting this adorable girl to fall for me. If she accepts my offer that is.

I hope you have a great day!                                                                                                                              Twelve

Edited 9/27/22

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2022 ⏰

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