Author's Note

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Wow. I cannot even believe I'm here right now. It's been years it feels like, no it actually has been years. Time has certainly passed by since the last time I did this, I am most definitely not the same age or person that I was when I released that first story. My writing has really matured and I feel will be much more enjoyable now that I have gained the necessary skills, knowledge and experience that I did over the years. I was embarrassed of my first story to say the least (even thought of deleting it), but I was shocked at the amount of reads I received over the years and I am so thankful for you all. This quarantine, although I am busy with other things, led me right back here. I decided to redeem myself and do this the right way. It is also a token of my gratitude for all the readers, thank you all. Now that we have gotten my little emotional note out of the way, I cannot wait to present to you all the new narration I've put together for our dear Angela and Embry. 

Disclaimer: All characters/ideas/thoughts/descriptions all came from Stephanie Meyer and her original works, but obviously a different turn of events in this story from the works of the Twilight series. 

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