Chapter 1.

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  God. What was I thinking? Was I really going to go through with this? I tugged at the pale pink satin dress that brushed against my legs, I would look like a fool next to Ben. Like a tree, next to a stump. But, this dress shows off my glorious long legs, which have always been one of my greatest assets so heels are a must. Who cares about Ben?! He certainly didn't care about me these days. God but what will Ben say? He'll be mad that I look taller than him. Male egotistical tendencies I tell you, always quantity over quality. I'm sick of it. Fuck it!

I decided to go with the heels anyways. If I was going to a wedding thrown by the Cullens I had to show up and show THE FUCK out! I silently hoped that there would be some eye-candy there for my viewing pleasure. More preferably I was hoping they, whoever they are, would be looking at me. Bad, bad Angela. You have a boyfriend, remember? Oh yeah, him. I picked up the Fenty Gloss Bomb lying on my vanity and spread it smoothly and fully on my lips, smacking them together. My makeup looked undeniably good, it took years of practice I tell you and Jess of course, my very own, highly opinionated might I add, expert. I certainly couldn't learn anything from my Mother. Although she was a very beautiful woman, she was a very simple woman too. Blush and a light lipstick was enough for her. I was always different. High cheekbones, simple glossy lip and rose gold dramatic eyes with the perfect cat-eye liner. You look damn good girl, I thought to myself, flipping my curled brown locks over my shoulders. I packed my YSL clutch, my most prized possession that I had bought with my first teaching job in my undergrad years, with all my necessities. I still remember seeing it propped up on a shelf at Neiman Marcus. I had promised myself some time back that I would buy it as my birthday gift to myself on my 21st birthday. I always had a distinctive taste for lavish things. I heard a loud honk outside and took one last look at myself in the mirror.

 "Angela you're wasting time here girl! I need to be seen at this wedding, even if it's Bella's. It might be her big day but I'm not letting her look better than me this time! Oh no! Those days are behind us" I heard Jess yell.

 I rolled my eyes. This girl would never change. It's like we were back in high school all over again. Talking behind each other's backs but smiling in each other's faces. I can't even blame myself for keeping to myself for most of high school, I refused to partake in that toxicity. I was quiet for a good reason. My college years is where I really opened up, something about the independence of it all I guess. 

I quickly shut the door to my small apartment and clicked my heels over to Jess' car. I opened the passenger's side door under Jess' watchful eye. I could've just driven, but Jess claimed I drove like a NASCAR racer just because my lovely Mitsubishi Evolution X whom I named lovingly  and accordingly, Snow White, was a manual car. She was prissy sometimes, actually most times.

Jess' eyes were wide as she watched me enter her Nissan.

"Damn girl you look GOOD. You might even show me up, maybe." 

"Really Jess?" 

"You damn sure are close enough. I know one things for sure, Ben is gonna lose his mind. You are about to have a steamy end to this delightful night. You better be prepared girl. That dress is coming straight off when the clock strikes twelve" she giggled.

"Jess. You know Ben, he never says anything" I sighed. Why would he? Not like he cared about any of the effort I put into myself or into any other aspects of our relationship over the years.

"You guys are having problems now too? God is the world ending? Bella and Edward are getting married and we were actually invited. They even asked me to give a speech, which by the way I have no idea what I'm even going to say yet!! Now you and Ben decide to have issues. This is a HAPPY occasion Ange, come on!" 

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