Chapter 15

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Celia and Captain Kujo are startled when Vuela and Sora break into the Captain's Quarters. Celia asks the obvious, and Sora lets the both of them know that if they don't get off the Gloire Fidèle in the next few moments, God only knows what the pirates are going to do to them once they get their hands on San Martín's map. Vuela confirms everything.

"Pirates? On my ship?" The first thing Delilah Kujo does is lock the door, so that no one comes inside. "Never in my life did I say that my life was going to end because of death by pirates!"

"Don't we all," Vuela says in agreement.

In a normal situation, Vuela would've been extra snarky towards Celia on accepting people who definitely aren't to the captain's code from the beginning of the trip, but now is the worst time to make fun of her family friend or backsass the Captain even further.

Captain Kujo breaks into her safe and pulls out the most important things from it: the map, which she tosses over to Vuela, and three guns that Vuela and Sora recognize from watching movies or based on street experience. "If anyone is going to go down, it's anyone who wants to fight with these beasts."

"Are those plasma pistols?" Vuela shrilled breathlessly.

"Normally, I don't give these to those who haven't been gun trained, but due to dire circumstances, I don't have a choice but give these to you..." She slides one pistol across the desk to Vuela. "...and you." She hands the second one to Celia. The third one clicked into Captain Kujo's holster. "Protect those things at all costs. Pirates love to get their hands on any powerful weapon. The last thing we need to do is to give them the upper hand."

It sounds obvious, but considering this is a team run by a pirate Vuela's gotten close to, who knew how to lie in front of people's faces, she can't take any attention away from Captain Kujo's advice and commands. She needs to know anything and everything she can to avoid being pirate bait as possible.

"You want us to shoot?" Celia squeaks.

"There's no room for fear, Doc," Sora explains. "It's like living on the street. You won't know what will happen until it strikes you like lightning in the middle of the goddamn ocean."

"It's an unfortunate but true metaphor, Mr. Gates."

"Everything from this point on is going to be unfortunate, Captain."

Vuela wants to say, "Coming from the person who worked for them." She can't help but wonder what Sora Gates is really up to. He seems sincere in helping the good guys out, but why now? He's been supporting pirates for the majority of his life, so why the change of heart? If there's a heart to begin with.

As they prep for their leave, a rattling whistle sounded through the speakers. Everyone freezes as if they are hearing an alarm for another storm. But this is not a storm alarm.

"What's that whistle?" stammers Celia, shaking in her boots.

Sora warns, "Savage's mutiny signal. We need to go right now!"

"Then, we need to make haste." The Captain pushes a bookshelf toward the hallway door. Then, she pull a secret handle from the bare wall and reveals a passageway that Celia, Sora, and Vuela can never imagine being there in the first place. "Hurry in! Who knows when they'll start banging?"

Without question, Celia, Vuela, and Sora run into the passageway, having the Captain enter last to close the door. While they trot down the secret hall, Vuela can't help but curiously ask what it's used for.

"Back in days of war, Ms. Hawkins," Kujo replies, "if people on this floor needed to get to the sub hull quickly due to a raid or sinking, this was one of the passageways used to get there. Those who know these types of ships from the top of the mast to the ship's bottom know these details."

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