Chapter 22

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The Bottle-Nose Coast City Station's busy as Vuela remembers it to be. People boarding boats and people leaving them are the trend as per usual. Vuela and Sora can't miss the moment when the Gloire Fidèle docked, and they can finally get off the ship. Captain Kujo and Celia stand beside them as well, lifting their heads and smelling the fresh, salty city air.

"How does it feel to be home, Vuela?" questions Celia, who stands directly next to her left.

"I think I'll finally feel it when I see Max again," she retorts, "but never have I felt more alive than seeing civilization again."

"I can agree with that statement. I cannot wait to give Max a fax message through the phone."

"I want to do it. I'm his sister, and I want to let him know that I'm not dead."

"Well, if Hawkins puts it that way, Celia, let the girl do it," says the Captain. "Nothing is more glorious than family reuniting."

"Oh, I wish I knew the feeling. However, Vuela, how about you call him in the morning? It's too late, and it'll be a great surprise for him to pick you up when the sun rises."

Vuela agrees to that.

That night, Kujo orders two rooms at the harbor's hotel via the phones from the control room, which the owner happily agrees to give away for free after hearing about the huge adventure that the gang has just returned from.

Soon as the ship docks and the crew from the station start their procedures, Captain Kujo lets Vuela and Sora get a head start. Vuela swears to the Captain that she'd use the time to send Maxime the fax message to Celia's house and wait for him to come by morning. The Captain told Vuela that she can do whatever she wants before heading back.

"Captain Kujo, I appreciate the permission, but all I want is to send that message to my brother."

Vuela and Sora excitedly depart the area, almost knocking down the station crew in the process. Vuela apologizes to them immediately and asks where they can find the nearest fax booth. The crew heads inform her that there is one near the packaging dock, and that they can't miss it due to its bright yellow color. They aren't wrong as Vuela and Sora go running towards the booth.

"What should I say?" she ask Sora.

"What type of question is that? It's to tell him that you're home and that Kujo gave us a room for the night."

"I know, but I feel like I should be explaining why I'm back so soon."

"Don't get too excited. That's for when you see him face to face."

"You're right." Vuela types the number and starts punching in the short message.

"Vuela, if you didn't have the adventure that we had this trip, do you think you'd be this excited to see your big brother?"

Vuela halts mid-typing, turned to her lover, and says, "I think you know what the answer to that is. Now, answer this. How do you feel about sharing an actual bed this time? Or do you prefer to sleep on the floor?"

"If the lady permits, I'd rather sleep in a bed for the first time in a millennium."

Vuela chuckles as she returns to typing and sending the fax. "Absolutely. I just can't wait to take an actual shower for once."

The next morning, by the time the sun shines through the curtains of their hotel room, the kids rush over to the pick-up and drop-off dock towards the front of the station, all dressed and ready for the new day. Vuela hasn't gotten much sleep since the thoughts of Max plague her mind. As Vuela wanders through the station's busy streets, visuals of the area start to return to her like almost forgotten memories. The more she recalls the locations, the more excited she becomes.

VuelaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora