Part 22

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"So, big day, finally going home after a weekend of adventuring and near death experiences. Are you excited?" Maisy asked as the group stood early the next morning outside their vacation home.

"Extremely." Marco answered, glancing at Tom. He was wearing sunglasses over his three eyes and talking to Duncan. "What happened with Lucy?" He asked.

"I'm still bringing her with me. She's just at my house until I can figure out where I'm going. By the way I never asked you where you guys live." She replied.

"Oh! Mewni, for me... He's kind of the prince of the underworld so, he lives there. He's usually with me in the butterfly castle in mewni though." Marco answered. Maisy raised an eyebrow.

"You guys are both royalty?! And you never told us?!" Maisy shrieked. Marco laughed and shook his head.

"I don't really think of him as royalty. But I'm not, I just live with my best friend Star, she's the princess there." Marco explained. "You could, come back with us if you wanted." He offered.

Maisy looked shocked at the offer. "Yes! Oh my god thank you! We didn't know where any of us were going to go but if we could go to Mewni that would be amazing!" Maisy rambled.

"Yeah." Marco laughed. "I probably should've invited you earlier huh?" He smiled. Tom walked over to him and took off the sunglasses on his face.

"You ready?" Tom asked, pulling his bag over. Marco nodded.

"I invited them back to Mewni with us, I figured it was the least we could do." Marco explained as Maisy ran off and came back with Lucy in her arms.

"So now not only do we have to explain to Star why you look so beat up but we also have to explain the strangers we brought home with us and we have to explain dead body they're bringing with them? Sounds perfect." Tom sighed. "No it's okay really, I'm sure Star is going to understand. She's a really kind person."

"Okay well, we should get going then." Marco smiled, whipping out his dimensional scissors and cutting them a portal back to Mewni. His friends stepped through and looked around in awe.

"You live here?" Violet asked, looking around.

"Yeah." Marco smiled.

"Lucy would have loved it here. It's perfect." Maisy smiled, her eyes started to water at the sight. She saw a tree on the top of a hill a little ways away and walked towards it, pulling a shovel out of her bag and digging.

"You're going to bury her here?" Duncan asked, looking at the view of the town down below. Maisy nodded as she dug. "She would love this." He smiled.

"We should go home." Tom whispered to Marco.

"We aren't going to help them get settled in?" Marco asked. Tom glanced at the people around him and smiled at his boyfriend.

"I think they'll be just fine." He assured, kissing Marco before they started their goodbyes.

And so the two boys said goodbye to their new friends and walked their way to the castle, walking in and straight to Marco's room. Just as Marco collapsed on his bed Star burst inside.

"Welcome home!" She yelled, throwing balloons into the room before seeing Marco's beat up face. Her smile dropped. "Marco! What happened to your face?!" She asked running over to him.

"I got kidnapped by some crazy people trying to inject everyone who lived on the island with happiness." Marco explained. "We saved a bunch of kids around our age from the island and brought them back with us. They brought their dead friends body with them and they're burying her now because they think she would've liked being buried here. We're both exhausted. It was a long weekend." Marco rambled.

"Woah, their friend died?" Marco sat up and looked at Janna, who he didn't realize had busted into his room with Star.

"We should introduce you to them Janna, I think you'd really like Maisy." Tom grinned. "They're probably still out there. Plus they can meet their new princess and she can give them a place to live or something." He suggested.

"Okay, crashing a funeral sounds fun." Janna grinned back. "Let's go!" Janna grabbed Star's hand and ran out the door, quickly followed by Tom dragging Marco.

"I thought you wanted to go home and relax." Marco frowned as his boyfriend dragged him forward.

"I did, but you met the same Maisy I did, tell me you don't think her and Janna would get along well." Tom smiled as they reached the top of the hill.

"You're right." Marco sighed. It seemed like Maisy had just finished burying Lucy, she looked up from the pile or dirt and smiled.

"You guys came back!" She smiled brightly. "Miss us already?" She giggled. Janna stared at the people around her.

"Woah, I'm Janna. It's nice to meet you." She smirked, holding her hand out to Maisy.

"I'm Maisy! This is, Duncan, Violet, Ava, and Justice, and this-" She pulled out a small piece of wood with Lucy's name scribbled on it and stuck it into the pile of dirt. "This is Lucy." She grinned, shaking Janna's hand. That's when she finally really looked at Janna, she stared at the girl who was staring right back at her.

"You're really pretty." Janna smiled.

"Holy shit, we're geniuses." Marco whispered, leaning into Tom. Tom nodded and bumped fists with Marco.

"You live here? Because I think we'd be really good friends. And um, you're really pretty too." Maisy smiled back, a blush spreading across both girls faces as they continued to hold hands in front of themselves.

"No, I actually live on Earth." Janna responded, Maisy snapped out of her daze and pulled her hand back an excited look spread across her face.

"Earth?! You mean it wasn't destroyed?!" She screamed excitedly. Janna shook her head. "I'm from there! My whole family is there! I only went to Sunshine because I woke up there one day and they said Earth was destroyed. We all met each other because we were all from Earth and we were all told the same thing." Maisy explained gesturing to her friends.

"You wanna come back with me? I'm sure your family misses you a lot." Janna offered, still enthralled by the girl in front of her.

"Can we??" Maisy grinned exitedly.

"Of course." Janna grinned back. "Shit, but you probably live really far away from me." She frowned. "Why do the cute ones always have to be so far away." She muttered under her breath.

"What?" Maisy questioned raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, nothing." Janna answered smiling. "I live in Echo Creek, California. You live anywhere near that?" Janna asked.

"No way! I live in Medford Oregon! That's only like, an 11 hour drive." Maisy laughed. "I'm sure my parents could stand to move to Echo Creek for the daughter they haven't seen in years." She sighed.

"Oh, you'd move all the way there for someone you just met?" Janna questioned.

"Yeah, I don't know what it is but I feel like it's important for me to know you." Maisy blushed.

"Me too." Janna blushed back.

"Me and Lucy lived in Seattle." Duncan grinned. "That isn't too far either."

"No way, I lived in Las Vegas. How cool is it that we all lived so close." Ava smiled.

"I lived in Henderson Nevada." Justice grinned.

Violet frowned and crossed her arms. "That's not fair at all." She breathed. "I lived in New York. I'm going to be across the country from all of you guys." Maisy skipped over and hugged her best friend tightly.

"We'll see you again Violet, I promise. We wont lose contact with you." Maisy promised.

"So, back to Earth. If you don't convince your parents to move to Echo Creek I'm going to be really disappointed." Janna grinned. Maisy giggled.

"Awe, are you falling for me already?" She asked flirtatiously, Janna's eyes widened and she jumped.

"Wh-what?! No, I-I'm not in love with you, I just met you!" She insisted.

"Chill Janna, I was messing with you." Maisy laughed. "This is going to be a good relationship, I can tell."

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