Chapter Ninety-One

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Grey Worm faints beside me and I turn to him. There is nothing else I can do for Ser Barristan, but Grey Worm is still alive and needs my help.

I tear my tunic into long strips and tie them tight above all of Grey Worms most serious wounds. I press down hard on the wound bleeding the most in his chest.

His eyes flutter open and closed and he goes in and out of conciesnous.

"Rest Grey Worm." I whisper in Valyrian. "You're alright."

Soon more Unsullied soldiers come and we take him to the Pyramid to have his wounds looked after.

I also instruct Ser Barristan's body to be brought to the Pyramid.

A healer looks after Grey Worm in his quarters and assures me he is going to live.

I'm exiting Grey Worms room when Daenerys runs to me, her arms wrapping around me.

"Love of my life!" She exclaims in Valyrian.

I grunt in pain as she accidentally touches my shoulder wound.

"You're hurt!" She exclaims.

I motion towards the room gritting through the pain. "Grey Worm is hurt more."

Missandei who stands behind Daenerys, brings a hand to her mouth and Daenerys nods her approval. Missandei leaves us and enters his room.

"Sit down." Daenerys commands.

I do feel tired and weary, but I'm sure its not from my wounds.

"I'll get a healer for you." She stands to leave but I grab her hand.

She turns to me, full worry in her face.

"I couldn't save him... he was my father's friend. He was my friend, and I couldn't save him." I feel hot tears fall.

She kneels beside me. "Oh my love... Ser Barristan's death is not your fault..."

I sob and she holds me close to her chest.

"If I was stronger... faster..." I can barely get get the words out between sobs.

She kisses my head. "Shh... shh..."

I gently push her away. "What point is there in being strong if you cant protect the people you love?!" I yell. I tear off my belt and throw Dragons Claw against the wall across from me.

She sighs. "Nyla my love... don't you think all wish they could stop those they love from dying? No matter how strong you are. You cannot stop death."

I cry and she holds me.

"They will pay my love." She whispers.

A few moments later footsteps aproach. I dont look up.

"Daario." I hear Daenerys say. "Help me get her up, she needs a healer for her wounds."

I shake my head, anger, grief, pain and blood loss gripping all my sense. "No..."

I feel his hand on my shoulder. "Come my lady." He whispers.

I don't bother fighting him. He and Daenerys haul me up from the floor and my shoulder and leg throb in pain.

"Arghhhh..." I moan.

"Careful Daario." Dany says.

"Your leg..." he says. "I'll carry you to your room my lady."

"Over... my dead body... Daario Naharis." I manage to get out. The room feels like its spinning. I push him away.

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