Chapter 4

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I could tell where we were heading too before we got there. We spent our last winter break at this penthouse. It gives a wide view of the river. I wonder if our parents know Jason uses their properties for parties.

Mia pulls into the drive way. There are a lot of cars already there. From the movies I've watched I thought I'll see a bunch of teenagers outside drunk. But everywhere seemed quiet and organized.

We walked into the building and took the elevator to the 3rd floor. As we went up I started hearing music. The doors opened and I was faced with drunk teenagers. Oh well....

There's a Dj at the corner of the room. The middle was used as a dance floor. I follow Maya's lead and she goes to the kitchen. She pulls out beer from the fridge and also a coke for me.

"Don't tell me you're going to drink Maya. You're my ride" I whine trying to stop her from taking the beer while I collect my coke. " You know how to drive so you'll just drive us" I sigh knowing that she wasn't going to budge.

"Here are some tips. Don't go into any room unless you want to see things you can never unsee" Maya states while I gag. "Number 2. The back is for games like beer pong, truth or dare, etc and that's where the popular kids stay so we'll just hang out here." I nod taking in what she just said.

We take a sit somewhere in the lounge. "So now tell me and be honest. Why did you want to come to a party. Parties aren't your thing." Maya asks me looking serious.

Should I tell her it is because of what happened between her and my brother. Nahh. "I just felt like. Nothing more." I say looking at the dance floor. It's just a group of hormonal teenagers grinding on each other. Eww. Why did I come here in the first place.

"Why don't we go to the back and play some games. It might be fun" I ask desperate to stand up. Maybe a part of me just wants to see Dave and to check up on my brother.

"Ok. If you say so." Maya responds standing up while I follow her. It is more quiet at the back. I spot my brother immediately with a cup in his hands talking to Dave. He looks surprised to see me and walks away. When will this game end.

"So what game should we play?" Maya asks sounding excited. Seems like it's the first time she's coming here. "Truth or dare" I say sounding like a bad ass. I don't know what has come over me lately but that's what I want to play. Maya didn't question me further and just walked me there.

We sat down amongst those playing. Dave and Jason where there. And of course Britney. Brittney apparently is the most popular girl in school and she really is a bitch. She is always on and off with my brother and with the rumors I'm hearing she's with him presently.

"To who do we owe this honor of having the two most unpopular people in Westerfield high in our presence." Brittney says. You see what I mean by she's a bitch?!

"We are just here to play a game Brit" Maya responds giving her a glare. I just remain quiet. I hate confrontations. "Wait what? Well I have seen her before.." Dave says pointing to Maya "but her..." now pointing to me " in our school? I've never seen her before"

Jason looks at me like he wants to shout at me. Why is he so angry. Do I have to tell him my every move? Maybe I should just say it right here that he's my twin.

"Yes I attend Westerfield High" I reply Dave. "Enough of the chit chat. Let the game begin!" One red-head boy says but sounds like he screamed. Brittney keeps glaring at us. Jason now avoids eye contact and Dave stares at me. Oh boy...what have I gotten myself into.

"Maya your turn. Truth or dare" a black girl asks. I think her name is Alyssa or so. We have biology together. "Truth"

"Ever kissed a girl" Alyssa or whatever her name is asked blowing a gum. "No I haven't" Maya replies, uncomfortable. I don't think she's enjoying the game. Well neither am I. Jason and Brittney have been sent to a room for 15minutes. That was Jason's dare. I thought he won't push through with it but who was I kidding. Maybe that's why Maya looks a little bit upset. I caught her and Jason staring at each other once in a while.

They have finally arrived and have taken their seats. Brittney doesn't stop giggling. Only God knows what they did. I look at Jason and catch him glaring at me. What's up with him. So he's old enough to go for parties and play these games and I'm not. We're the same age! Despite the fact he is older than me with 45 seconds. "Chloé!" I hear a voice and I'm snapped out of my thoughts. It's the red-head again. "Your turn. Truth or dare" he asks. "Dare" I blurt out. Well I have been making rash decisions today so why not continue and besides if Jason can, I can.

All eyes are on me. " I dare you to kiss Dave" little mr red-head says. Oh no. I'm not going to waste my first kiss on a game. And Dave is Jason's best friend meaning he is off-limits even though I have a crush on him. I stand up and run out of there. Maya follows me. "These games are not for people like you" I hear Brittney say laughing as others followed. So I just ended up disgracing my self.

"Let's go home" I say to Maya and she agrees. She's not drunk so she was able to drive me home. I enter the house hoping everyone was asleep but unfortunately dad was in the parlor waiting.

"How was the party kiddo?" he asks grinning and sipping on his coffee. "I'm never going to one of those again" I mumble before running too my room. I prefer my normal life.

I take a shower and change into pjs. So Dave didn't even know me? So know that he does will anything change? I need to get some rest. Mom said we're going to church tomorrow. We go like once in a month. "Why does it have to be tomorrow" I groan and force myself to sleep.

Will anything change now that Dave knows she goes to his school? Well the only thing constant in life is change. We will see how things go.
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