Right Girl - Chapter 1

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It's times like these that make me wonder why I don't try harder. I stare at the lock screen of my phone as I process the news that I didn't get the part I so badly wanted. "You just weren't the right girl," he said. "You're extremely talented, don't lose hope," he said and finally, "I would like you to know you were in the final two," he said. Every encouraging but humiliating comment he could have made, he did.

A new incoming call breaks my focus and I swipe to answer.
"Kelly, hi," I sigh to my best friend.

"Did you find out?!" Urgency filling her voice.

"Yeah I did..." My voice trails off.

"That tone doesn't sound too great,"

"It's not," I say, tears brimming my eyes, "I wasn't the right one,"

"Oh honey," She sighs. You know those friends that act like they're everyone's mothers? That's Kelly. She commonly uses the terms of endearment such as honey, love, dear and sweetheart. "Don't let this ruin your love for acting, you are talented regardless of what casting directors say,"

"Not talented enough obviously,"

"Vix," She states. Vix is my nickname. "For a show as big and amazing as Teen Wolf just be glad you made it through so many callbacks,"

"I was in the top two,"

"See that's wonderful! How can you not take that as a compliment?"

"Because I'm not as optimistic as you,"

"Well, as much as I hate to mother you-"

"Don't lie to me," I chuckle,

"You're right. But maybe instead of working on your acting you should work on your attitude,"

"Ouch, shots were fired,"

"You love me,"

"For some odd reason,"

"Wait, surely it can't be that bad, didn't you get that blonde guys number?"

"He asked for mine,"

"He might call you sooner or later - imagine what could happen then!"

"It's been two months Kelly, the likelihood of that happening is the same as you walking into a strip club,"

We chuckle together for a little while until she tells me she has to go. Great. Back to the silence of my apartment.

I wander over to my couch and flop down onto my back and close my eyes - who says you need to be old to sleep during the afternoon?

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