Chapter 16

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        "Are you sure you have to go?" Arianna pouts. She quite liked Thor. He has good stories and a fun personality. She had no romantic feelings toward him, he was just like her fun uncle.

"Yes. I am sorry. I must return home," Thor says, smiling down at the girl. Loki tried not to care. He really did. But it was impossible.

Loki can't stop the words that come out of his mouth. "Why don't you come with us?"

"Really?" Arianna asks, getting excited.

"That does appear to be what I said," Loki says.

"Now, hold on Reindeer Games, if It Girl here goes we all go," Tony interjects. Arianna wrinkles her nose at the name.

"Then you shall all go. You have earned the right," Thor says. Loki resists the urge to gag. Peter grins and wraps his arm around his girlfriend.

"Wait, really? I mean, yeah. That'll work," Tony says.

"Great recovery," Arianna mutters.

"Shut it, Teen Idol," Tony quips.

"Whatever you say Robocop," Arianna returns. Peter laughs. Everyone crowds around the Asgardians on the balcony, Arianna next to Loki to keep him calm.

"This is gay," Arianna mutters, looking at the rainbow surrounding them. Peter hears her and chokes on his own saliva. "But I mean, Thor is the god of lesbians so that makes sense." Peter bites his tongue to keep from laughing.

"Here we are! Asgard!" Thor exclaims.

"Cool!" Percy exclaims. On the inside, though, he was dying because of the long walk. Same, Percy, same. (Fourth wall, broken. I'm not sorry)

They begin the long trek to the actual city and Tony would stop every so often and look for support beams.

"For the love of Hades! It's magic, Tin Man! There aren't any support beams!" Arianna exclaims. Tny rolls his eyes at her and sulks slightly.

"We should surprise the people. You'll need cloaks," Thor says. Loki snaps his fingers and the twins suddenly have cool silver cloaks around their shoulders.

"Awesome! Can I keep this?" Arianna asks, pulling up her hood.

"Yes," Loki says, fighting a smile. It felt like Arianna was the only one who treats him like a normal person, not that he is but the sentiment is nice.

Thor leads them through the streets, earning a few curious looks.

"If I may have your attention!" Thor calls. The people gather around the center of the city. "I would like to welcome the Avengers! Earth's Mightiest Defenders and personal friends of mine!"

The people clap politely. Loki gestures for the twins to step forward. "As well as two living legends."

The twins lower their hoods and everyone kneels. they smile awkwardly. "That's really not necessary," Percy tells them.

"Yeah, you can stand up," Arianna says. The people of Asgard stand. A little girl runs forward and wraps her arms around Arianna's waist.

"Oh! Well, hi there!" Arianna chuckles. The girl peers up at her shyly. "What's your name?"

"Tamby," the girl says quietly. (I'm trying guys. The name was bad but whatever.)

"That's very pretty. Would you like to hang out with me today?" Arianna offers.

The girl nods, eyes wide. "Yes! I just need to ask my mommy first!" the girl rushes back into the crowd.

Suddenly, a loud roar sounds. The twins pull out their weapons quickly and look around.

"Just a prisoner," Loki assures them. The two nod and put their swords away. The little girl comes back and takes Arianna's hand.

"My mommy said it's okay!" Tamby says cheerfully.

"Awesome!" Arianna says. Peter takes Arianna's other hand and smiles at Tamby.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Tamby asks.

"Yeah. This is Peter. Spidey, this is Tamby," Arianna says.

"Hi," Peter says kindly. The little girl blushes and hides her face in Arianna's cloak. Arianna giggles and pecks Peter's cheek.

AN: Hey guys! Hope you like it!

Arianna Jackson meets the AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now