Havoc Be My Name

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Y/N/Goliaths POV
Location: dimensional rift portal room

Y/N/Goliath: So you do still live Rose. After all these years, you and the rest of your team are still alive. And Watts got you here. I knew it was a mistake to let him live. To let ANY of you live. I should've killed you all when I had the chance. Now you seek to change fate... you seek to destroy this already broken world. You wish to bring me more harm and destruction than what I already live with. No, I will not let you do such a thing.

I walk over to a control panel and type in a passcode to unlock it. The mechanical doors, hidden by the same shade of paint as the wall slowly lifted up to reveal my forge. This isolation has given me time to experiment with different projects left behind from Salem's rule. One of them was a twisted sword that ran off the energy of souls. I had infused my mothers and fathers soul into the blade. The older the soul, the stronger the sword became. I grab it and dawn my new armor, made from the cursed shadows and the damned souls of Remnant.

Y/N/The Goliath⬇️

I look at the book Ruby had left behind

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I look at the book Ruby had left behind. Foolish little girl. She will know my fury. They all will know my fury. I gave them a chance to repent, to live their lives asking for forgiveness and learning to live with their sins. Now they will understand what I learned years ago, you can't change fate without destroying everything. Walking over to the portal I see their location or more correctly the dimension they've gone to. I will follow them no matter how far they run, they can't escape my, no THEIR destiny.

Y/N/Goliath: So you seek to destroy the world we live in, you seek to change fate, you seek to ruin MY world. I don't think so... I don't care how many universes I destroy, no matter what, I will make sure that you don't change this world. I'm the Goliath and you will bow to my authority... and fall to my wrath.

Before I can step into the portal I hear footsteps coming from behind me. I turn around only to be met with nothing but the darkness of the room, only being lit by the portals light.

Y/N: Peace be your game Rose, and HAVOC be my name!

With no hesitation I take charge through the portal, ready to complete my final goal, to destroy everything and leave nothing behind.

Remnants Antidote Chapter 2 (The Dimensional Chase)Where stories live. Discover now