I Awaken:We Needed A Happy Ending

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Ruby(Resurrection AU) POV
Location: Negative Zone

After passing through the portal I found we had been transported to a small village. There was a feeling about this place. A feeling of serenity, of peace, of hope. I need to find that hooded figure. I need to get answers.

Cloaked figure(???): You are looking for me...

I nearly jumped out of my skin in fright. How had he managed to get behind me?

Ruby(Resurrection AU): Where are we?

Cloaked figure(???): We are in an alternate timeline to the last dimension we were in. An ending where the Y/N of this dimension is brought back to be with his wife Velvet. The timeline we were just in had
Y/N's fate locked behind the doors of death.

Ruby(Resurrection AU): Wait, this Y/N falls for Velvet too?

Cloaked figure(???): Yes, just like your dimensions Y/N, this one falls in love with Velvet too.

Ruby(Resurrection AU): You seems to know a lot about the timelines and dimensions.

The hooded figure just chuckled. Was he amused by that statement, or was he laughing at my curiosity?

Ozpin(I Awaken AU): Alright, what do we do now?

Cloaked figure(???): Have everyone take some time to get to know each other. We have several hours at least before The Goliath catches up to us.

Ozpin(I Awaken AU): Is that really necessary? Shouldn't we focus on our main objective? Defeating The Goliath?

Cloaked figure(???): Trust me, we will be ok. This will give you and me time to focus on our next move.

Ozpin(I Awaken AU): Let us hope that The Goliath will be merciful on our world.

Cloaked figure(???): *sighs* Don't get your hopes up.

I watched as Ozpin and the hooded figure walk off. I guess I should find my other self. God, saying that feels so strange. I walk around the crowd of people looking for my counterpart. It was odd. Seeing two of a comrade I had survived with, or seeing my sister talk with this dimensions counterpart to her. Everything feels so surreal. After a few more minutes of wandering around, I found me, or her?

Ruby(Resurrection AU): Uh... hi me?

Ruby(I Awaken AU): Hey...

We both just stood there in awkward silence. I don't know what to say to her. I don't think she knows what to say to me either.

Ruby(I Awaken AU): So, what happened to your dimension?

Ruby(Resurrection AU): Me and my team really hurt Y/N, or as you've heard of him referred to as The Goliath. His mother, Salem morphed his mind and changed him. He destroyed Beacon, then all of Remnant. He launched these bombs into the sky that turned almost all of Remnants population into Grimmified people. Me and the others were the only ones who survived the blast. We spent four years trying to find a cure, and find Arthur Watts who in our dimension helped Y/N orchestrate the apocalypse. He was the one who informed us about the rift portals. Now we're here. Trying to get help to stop Y/N's destruction of the multiverse. I have no idea why he's doing this. He told us the last time we saw him that "This wasn't how the story was supposed to end." To this day I still don't know what he meant, and now with him hunting us I'm even more lost by what he meant when he said that.

Ruby(I Awaken AU): Sounds like you've had it off a lot worse than us. Our Y/N never destroyed our world. He if anything saved it. After the destruction of Beacon, he had a change of heart. How or why is beyond me. But he activated his special semblance and sacrificed himself for the world.

Ruby(Resurrection AU): Lucky you guys. *sigh* Sorry, I'm just tired.

Ruby(I Awaken AU): No, I get it, I couldn't imagine what life must've been like for you all those years and I'm so sorry that you had to go through all that.

Ruby(Resurrection AU): Lets hope we can save all of these worlds. Or at least stop Y/N.

Ruby(I Awaken AU): Yes, lets hope.

Ozpin(I Awaken AU): Everyone, May I have your attention please.

We all looked over to Ozpin. He had a stern yet confident look on his face.

Ozpin(I Awaken AU): We have our next course of action. I hope you all have gotten to know your other selves better.

Cloaked figure(???): The next dimension we're going to is a timeline where Y/N is a dragon faunas. Unlike this dimensions Y/N who we know is here, the next dimensions Y/N isn't a powerful godlike figure. He is just a normal warrior. However there is a darker side locked away in him. If The Goliath were to get his hands on him, he could turn that dimensions Y/N into the nightmare that resides in him. We must hurry and grab this dimensions Y/N and go to the next.

Velvet(I Awaken AU): Wait, my husbands alive?!

Ozpin(I Awaken AU) Indeed he is Velvet. He is alive.

Velvet began to tear up.

Ozpin(I Awaken AU): Our dimensions Y/N is atop that hill. Let us waste no more time here.

Cloaked figure(???): The Goliath is not far behind, we must move quickly.

We all picked up the pace and arrived atop of a hill. There was Y/N, sat next to four women who appeared to be this dimensions maidens. Velvet immediately went and embraced Y/N. After letting Velvet have her moment we explained to Y/N the reason for being in his dimension and that we needed his help.

Y/N(We Needed A Happy Ending): I'm more than willing to help, but what about the people of my dimension, I understand that some of them are here but what about the rest of our Remnant? Who is keeping them safe?

Cloaked figure(???): No one is... The Goliath will destroy your Remnant, as well as any others that we come across.

Everyone gasped and murmured about what we had just discovered. I don't know how much we can trust from the hooded figure, but he has been right about everything so far. This can't be true, can it?

Cloaked figure(???): I understand this new information may concern you all, but we must keep moving forward. If we stop now The Goliath will destroy everything and our hopes at saving ALL Remnants will be all but possible.

Atlas solider(I Awaken AU): YOU! *Looks over to "Resurrection" team RWBY* YOU'RE THE CAUSE OF ALL THIS! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!

Cloaked figure(???): These events we're going to happen either way. No matter how you may try to alter the path, it was written that these events would transpire. We must keep moving, when everything is said and done, all Remnants will be reborn and rebuilt. However this can only happen if we stop The Goliath.

Ozpin(I Awaken AU): Our strength comes from our unity. We are only strong together.

Y/N(We Needed A Happy Ending): I'm not sure why any of this is happening, but come on everyone. We have worlds to save. And we can't do that if we let The Goliath divide us.

Cloaked figure(???): Maidens, can you create a portal to our next location?

Winter maiden(I Awaken AU): We can we'll stay behind, ready to open the portal back up for you guys. Please save our worlds.

Cloaked figure(???): We will, if we stay united. Let us move out.

With that the maidens created our next rift portal and we hopped on through. Into the next dimension...

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