Corrupting A Hero

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The Goliath(Y/N Resurrection AU) POV
Location: Beacons Graveyard(I Awaken AU)

The portal dropped me off in Beacons Graveyard. Perfect, I need something from here. I wander around the area for minutes and stumble upon what I'm looking for. A clearing out to a large garden. I need to keep to the shadows. This garden has no trees surrounding it. Beacons not too far away. I can sense them, I can sense her... I must ignore my temptations to go after them. I can't risk this dimensions team RWBY escaping and continuing my dimensions work. I must kill ALL of them in the same area. To make sure no one escapes or has another chance to break the rules of the story. I sneak over to the statue that sits in the middle of the garden. It's of me... a me from a different dimension. There's a small brass frame on the statute. It reads "Here lies Y/N, L/N Son of Ozpin, and Allison." funny, this Y/N seems to share birth similarities with me, but who is Allison. No matter, THIS... is what I came for.

The Goliath(Y/N Resurrection AU): Cursed sword of damned souls, rebirth this fallen son into something more, fill his now empty carcass with molten magma from the hottest flames of hell, turn him into a creature of my design, LET HIM BE A HARBINGER FOR MY DESTRUCTION, LET HIM REVIVE THE FALLEN BRETHREN AROUND US AND LET THEM BE THE START TO MY ARMY... and take over his soul to where he, no THEY only follow me.

I raise my Cursed Sword into the air, ready to start raising hell. Let this world be an example of what happens when you mess with fate... Rose.

The Goliath(Y/N Resurrection AU): ARRGH!!!

I plunge my sword deep into the ground. A large energy wave disburse from my location. The sky suddenly turned into a hell bent red. The same color as the sky in my world. I feel the ground below me shaking and suddenly an arm, ignited by the fires of hell burst from the ground. The creature kept clawing it's way out of the ground, until finally HE was fully emerged on the surface.

Harbinger(Y/N I Awaken AU)⬇️

The Goliath(Y/N Resurrection AU): Harbinger, I am The Goliath

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The Goliath(Y/N Resurrection AU): Harbinger, I am The Goliath. I am your God, and you will obey my every command. In exchange, you will serve as my army's commander, endless conquer and war shall be yours for the taking.

The boy didn't answer. He just stared at me. After a few moments of silence with the only noise being the crackling flames on his body. He kneeled in submission. Silently, but knowingly pledging his loyalty to me. I summoned an axe, the head being consumed by fire and forged from obsidian brimstone and gave it to him.

The Goliath(Y/N Resurrection AU): Go forth. Resurrect these fallen warriors, give them new life and let the cleansing of the multiverse begin.

He raised his axe into the air and roared mightily. I watched as the ground around us became molten rocks and dried, dead dirt. Quickly corpses of the dead began to be reformed and became the first soldiers in the Army Of The Goliath.

Undead Flame Walkers(I Awaken AU)⬇️

Undead Flame Walkers(I Awaken AU)⬇️

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I look out at my army. At least the start of it. It is a good start, but I need more. The citizens of this world will serve as good enough slaves to my cause. They of course will have to die first, but death to serve seems like a better reward than endless torture, but maybe I can do something with the defiant ones.


Undead Flame Walkers(I Awaken AU): ZAAN KAR ROOK!

The Goliath(Y/N Resurrection AU): Harbinger, I give you the gift of speech. Command your brothers and begin the destruction of this Remnant and start the cleansing of the multiverse.

Harbinger(Y/N I Awaken AU): Yes, my lord.

With that he let out a roar and I watched as the soldiers took charge into Beacon. Already I can hear screams of terror. What a delight it is to hear. This is the start of fate Rose, this world will be my first example of what happens when you alter fate, when you try and change your destiny...

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