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*5 days later*

I got up silently looking around but everything was fuzzy. Finally, everything turned into focus and I saw a slightly bruised Newt sitting on the edge of the bed. He looked like he hasn’t eaten for days but other than the giant gash slithering on his forehead he looked fine. He was fiddling with his dirty hands, sighing loudly. He wasn’t aware I woke up.

“What the bloody hell am I kidding? I’m talkin’ to a buggin’ girl in a coma. You can’t even hear me.” He chuckled, his eyes crazy. For a second I was scared he ended up like Alby. Before he could glance at me I sealed my eyes shut pretending to sleep. I breathed deeply. I heard him shifting and then silence. I opened my eyes ever so slightly, so he won’t notice and peered at him. He was right next to me now. He gently grabbed my hand and caressed it comfortably.

He sighed and looked up. I swore I saw tears running down his cheeks.

“I have had these weird feeling for you even since you bloody came out of that buggin’ box. I guess- I have had a crush on you this entire time.” He whispered softly his hand brushing my cheek. I was so shocked. Newt liked me? My stomach had awful butterflies swarming and twisting sickening knots in my stomach.

I felt sick with uneasiness and worry. I continued to breathe deeply as I thought about Newt. About the weird memories. I definitely do NOT like him that way. I decided I would pretend to wake up now. I stirred slightly, shifting my weight.

 “Clint, Jeff! She is awake!” I heard Newt shout happily. I heard muffled footsteps and a loud banging of a door. Soon after I heard heavy breathing which tickled my neck.

I slowly opened my eyes. I had a huge headache that felt like a brick collided with my head. I felt my head, groaning.

Newt had a worried look as he ushered the people I assumed was ‘Clint and Jeff’. The one on my right smiled a warm, lopsided smile as he placed his hand on we head, feeling its temperature. Newt smiled a relieved grin at me and embraced me in a slightly long, tight hug.

“Miss me, ya?” I chuckle sarcastically. Newt’s happy face transformed in an instant, replaced by a shocked glare. His eyes reminded me of a bug, huge and wide. His mouth was slightly parted in shock. Clint and Jeff paused their check up to look at Newt’s face. I furrowed my eyebrows as a long uncomfortable silence passed.

“What?” I finally asked. He composed himself, his face yet again changing into his normal expression. He took a deep long breath.

“You heard what I said?” He stuttered nervously. His eyes glanced at everything in the room other than me. He appeared to be sweating and fiddled with his hands constantly. I then realised he was talking about his confection of feelings for me. I considered lying to him and I thought of the outcomes. If I lie to him, he won’t be embarrassed. If I tell him the truth, he might be embarrassed and never talk to me again. I decided to lie.

“No... What did you say?” I pretended to be curious. He just shot a brief nervous smile and a gentle shrug of his shoulders. I decided to change the subject.

“Anyway... What happened?” I asked curiously, I looked at the bruises, a deep, dark purple spots that slithered down my arms. I felt my forehead and traced a thick line of a gash that has been hastily stitched together. I looked at Newt questionably.

“Well... Long story...” He started wincing. I chuckled.

“I have time!” I retorted gesturing to the small, makeshift hospital. He laughed, his face forming dimples that I find extremely cute. I smile back motioning for him to continue.

“Well- after you daringly defended me... which failed quickly. While he was focusing on you, I managed to get him in a headlock-“He started but I cut him off.

“Show-off.” I scoffed. He laughed again.

“Haha- yeah so are you with your ‘I’m gonna kick your butt business’. Anyway, while I got him in a headlock Minho retrieved a bow and arrow from the special room we have and he shot it.” He concluded smiling his award winning smile.

“So … Is Alby dead?” I question raising my eyebrows. He shook his head violently, his face turning serious.

“No- but the bloody shank is facing his Banishing in two days at 6:00 sharp.” He snarled folding his arms. Banishing? What?

“Banishing?” I ask. He unfolded his arms and gestured with his hands.

“Yeah, so we all have these specially made sticks. We all gather with our sticks. We secure his neck in a loop at the end of a stick. So that would be yours- When the doors to the Maze close... Yeah he will be thrown in just as the walls close and the Grievers will have their snack!” He explained.

“Grievers? Is that like people that grieve?” I ask confusingly.

He chuckles shaking his head. Somehow we have gotten closer. We both lie on our sides sat the top of the makeshift bed.

“No, I shouldn’t really be saying this- because Alby hasn’t explained the Grievers to you… but we all know that isn’t bloody happening. So these Grievers are like buggin’ monsters that only come out at night- rarely the day.” He concludes.

I close my eyes and remember yesterday when I saw the odd, ghostly shape in the midst of the thick fog.

“Oh.” I say, not really wanting to think of that deadly creatures what they are gonna do to Alby. But then a thought hits me. Newt is second in command, so that must make Alby the leader since no other person seems like a potential leader.

“Alby’s the leader!” I whisper harshly. Newt nods briefly. He seems to be deep in thought about something.

“You guys can’t kill a leader, surely.” I point out looking at him in the eye.

“Katy! He disobeyed one of our rules. Never hurt another Glader. And he did.” Newt explains looking at me seriously.

I was gonna stop this.


For a change, I put a Newt pic on the side bar! I have to upload more chapters now! Stay tuned! And thank you :)!

You Hurt Me~ Newt Fan Fiction ~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant