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Alex's POV

A long period of silence ensued. It wasn't a dragging uncomfortable almost awkward silence. It was a comfortable silence that only seemed short and sweet while we observed the scenery.

"Alex?" He sighed, leaning back against the tree, closing his eyes. I noticed his uncomfortable position as he sprawled out his legs.

My attention immediately caught on his right leg. His teal pants had a giant slithering rip through it exposing an fresh, untreated wound that almost made me want to throw up. It was long and thin but bloody continually splayed over the edges, soaking the fraying pant's material in blood. I winced.

I hadn't noticed he had opened his eyes an caught me staring at the wound with an uneasy expression. He winced.

"Got that from trailing for The Slicers. Lets just say the only thing I sliced was my leg." He laughed.

I chuckle shaking my head. I burrowed my hand into my pocket revealing a unused crumpled bandage. To ensure peace with Newt, I had given up on the protests and finally agreed to carry it around in case- I injured myself when Newt was not there to assist me. I unraveled the thick material and started wounding it around Thomas's injury.

"No Alex, You don't have to-" he began but you silenced him with a chastening finger. I bit my lip in concentration and I sealed the bandage expertly.

I dusted off my hands, smiling at my masterpiece. Thomas chuckled loudly for a long period of time clutching his stomach. His face was a tomato red and he nearly fell over. I raised my eyebrows and pouted.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I say childly.

"You are SUCH a perfectionist." He pointed out and I had to admit it was true. Every time I did something I wanted it done perfectly.

I shrugged relaxing against the bark.
My uneasy feeling had subsided quickly and replaced only with happiness that I have made a new friend.

"What can I say, I strive for perfection." I grinned, sighing. He laughed again.

"You are perfect." He said. He said it like it was nothing but even my heart stopped.

I opened my mouth to tell him about Newt and I but I was silenced by rushed footsteps. I look over to see Minho approaching us with rapid speed like he was being chased by something.

His eyes landed on me and his eyes softened- almost as if he was apologising using his eyes. It killed me to see him after what I heard.

Please don't tell Thomas.

I whispered in my mind harshly, squinting my eyes closed. I heard a low gasp and I fluttered my eyes open to meet the eyes of Thomas. He had widened eyes and his mouth slightly parted. My heart rate speed up immensely.

Thomas.. You can hear me?

I say slowly pronouncing my words carefully and imagined the words pop into my head.

He suddenly squeezed his eyes shut, looking like he was in deep concentration. Other than the crunching footsteps of Minho, still a wide distance away, I heard a faint sound like a record in my head.

Yeah. I can Alex.

It was Thomas speaking into my mind. I think about the strange man that had appeared in my deepest and most horrifying memories.

He talked into my mind like he was invading it. Thomas and I share a gift. We can communicate telepathically. That means we definitely had some sort of connection and something that makes us different from all the Gladers.

I look into Thomas's eyes with pure fascination with the discovery we have just made.

I considered recounting about the man that has occupied my thoughts and had told me I had to kill Newt. I wanted to explain his relevance to The Creators but then the man himself silenced those idiotic thoughts.

Alex. Remember what I said- don't push me to far. Tell anyone about this and one of your little Gladers will die. I don't care which one. Every time you cross the line. One of you dies. Let that be a lesson you shall remember.

His voice seemed ghostly and modified. It almost sounded electronic with an eerie buzz of electricity. It haunted me. His voice send shrills up my spine and leaves my blood cold. I gulp down the explanations and confessions I have summarised. I do not want to kill anyone.

I was so deep in my thoughts and worries. I did not distinguish Minho's rushed tone. Finally, after what seemed like a long time. Thomas shook my shoulders gently, murdering the daydream my mind has hallucinated.

"What?" I said accusingly looking at Minho's sweaty face. I notice him staring a me confusingly.

"Are you?" He questioned.

His voice seemed distant and almost unfriendly. I look up to him meeting his emotionless eyes with my cold ones.

"Am I going to what?" I snapped. Thomas looked at us back and forth obviously detecting the tension between us. He promised. I assure myself.

"I said- Ben was shuckin stupid enough to wander straight into a Griever. Now that poor shank is being tended to by Jeff and Clint. While the Greenie Thomas, here would be my first choice to take up Ben's sector but as he has also been shuckin dumb to slice his leg up." He motioned to the wrapped bandages- " I need you to help me." He finished.

I think about Newt's warning. I don't think that will be a bloody smart idea, Allie, he repeats. I know there are Greivers lurking out there since I saw a mere shadow on my first day. It does not look like something I would want to face alone.

As if reading my thoughts Minho adds-

" Don't worry - I will help you and be with you to make sure nothing happens." He assures.

I nod slowly still weighing the pros and cons. Newt will be very angry with me, maybe even hurt. But Minho's words that he said during the conversation I overheard rings in my mind. It will affect your relationship.

Well if whatever Newt was going to do to me- it is going to affect our relationship. So if that will- no harm will come to doing this.

What do you think I should do?

I ask Thomas inside my head. He glances at me before answering.

I think you should- I mean they need help and remember what you told me? You told me Minho said it will affect your friendship anyway then no harm will come to this.

His every Syllable mirrored the thoughts I was thinking.

I nodded my head.

"I will do it."

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