~Meetup Confusion~

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Newt told me to wait outside at our little meeting tree in the centre of the glade. I waited there for a bout 10 minutes when Newt comes limping towards me. He carries something but I’m not sure what. When he comes closer I can tell what it is. Flowers. I am not sure what to think. I hope this isn’t about us.

He smiles as he sits next to me and hands me the flowers. The flowers smell like him. Lavender and Soy milk. It is a beautiful white flower that has been tied together into a giant bouquet by a large blue ribbon, my favourite colour too. I almost melt. I hug him tightly and say thank you. It’s the best gift I have ever gotten, even though I have a really crappy memory since this whole Maze situation. Its really sweet of him.. but I still hope this is not about our relationship.

 “What’s it for?” I ask raising my eyebrows. He looks kinda on edge as he scoots back and rests his back on the tree and leans forward.

“Well, you know the whole..Alby incident? I decided since you are understandably nervous for tonight…I decided to give you this and also something else to cheer you up.” He smiles and I almost sigh with relieve.

But only he dosen’t know my plan for tomorrow..

 I have decided to stand up for Alby. Even though he almost killed me and Newt – he doesn’t deserve to die. Its inhumane and wrong for someone’s punishment to be death. I just hope, Newt will forgive me..

You Hurt Me~ Newt Fan Fiction ~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz