Frozen like a deer in headlights

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Gray's POV.
They both broke away from the kiss and got into their fighting positions... What was going to happen. I'll protect Juvia no matter what.
Just then a giant furry beast came out of the woods... Towering over the couple like a skyscraper, it was as big as one.
The giant monster made a quick movement with its hand as if it was a spoiled child who hadn't been granted what he wanted.
" Ice SHIELD" Gray yelled and a thick platform of ice appeared over Juvia and him. I'm gonna protect her no matter what!
The beast had stopped moving, it was looking at Juvia. Juvia was frozen still. Like a deer in the headlights.
"What's going on?" Gray said in almost a whisper.
"Mama!!!" says the monster
"Mama?!"- Gray asks startled
Then Juvia and the creature look at each other, not lovingly. ( like this 🌚🌝)
What the hell did that thing just call my girlfriend Mama! There's no efffin way!
" What the hell is going on here!"- Gray asks obviously annoyed
"I-I made this creature... when....when I was little."
This is bad she isn't talking in third person, this is really bad.
"Mama get away. It Dangerous HERE!"
"Explode" Juvia and Gray hear from somewhere in the woods. Just then the monster explodes and fiery arrows erupt from the creature all aiming for Juvia.
Gray quickly jumps in front but all the arrows seem to go through his body... all targeting Juvia.
After every arrow was shot the monster is on the ground crying.
"I sshouldn't have ddone tthhaaaaaaat!"- the creature says between sobs
As Gray turns to look at the source of the noise the creature vanishes into droplets of water. Quickly he turns to look at Juvia... I can't hear her heart beat... Gray thinks as he puts his ears to her chest. What was that? He asks himself as tears start to roll down his cheeks. Just as he picks Juvia up a short man appears in front of him.
" I'm sorry about your loss but you completed the mission. You defeated the creature that haunted our village. Thank you."- the man said and then disappeared as quickly as he'd come.
Gray should've been happy but he wasn't, he had lost he one he cared most about. He'd lost the one he loves and nothing could make up for that.
"I DON'T CARE ABOUT THIS STUPID MISSION! I WANT JUVIA BACK!"-Gray screamed to nobody in particular.
Juvia's POV.
Juvia saw Gray-sama pick up her body but she was right there. Why was Gray-sama screaming for Juvia? Why is there two Juvia's?
These questions ran through Juvia's mind as she saw Gray pick up an alternate version of her. She decided to follow Gray and the fake Juvia back to the guild. She wasn't sure what was going on but someone must know something.
*back at the guild*

As Gray entered the door everyone looked at him as he held Juvia. He was bombarded by questions
"Is Juvia alright?"
"How did this happen!!?"
Natsu, Lucy, Erza, Wendy, and Mira were all looking at Juvia in Grays hands with the greatest concern in their eyes.
Why are they all looking at us like that?
Gray moved passed the crowd and into a room, the little group close to his heels.
"What happened?"- Lucy asked
Gray was trying to respond but he was scared that if he tried to open his mouth only tears would escape.
"Is she alright?"- Mira and Erza both asked at the same time
Gray only managed to shake his head no.
Wendy and Natsu both looked down.
"She has no heart beat... I'm so sorry Gray."- Natsu said
Wendy on the other hand leaned over and started to work her healing magic on Juvia knowing too well it wasn't going to work. After a while she stopped and sat on the ground looking defeated and crying.
"SShe's ddead."- she managed to croak

"I'M NOT DEAD!"- Juvia screamed but nobody seemed to hear her. She was on the sidelines and could only look while her friends stood there crying over her fake body.

"She's not dead"- A said as she walked into the room. Everyone looked up at her.
"What do you mean, she has no pulse."- Gray finally spoke pushing away any hope.
"She's not dead!"- A repeated.

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