Part 6 Clash of the Clans(Lemon)

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Akio nodded at Shinpi. "Kakashi, Master Hyuga. We need to speak privately." Kakashi and Hiashi nodded and followed him outside. Shinpi took a breath. So much to digest and now they were faced with a conflict. Shinpi swung her legs over the bed and started to stand up. Her legs were somewhat wobbly, but as she took more and more steps, her legs became stronger. She found her clothes on another chair and quickly dressed. If there was going to be a fight, she had every intention of being a part of it. She heard the door open and the three men returned. Kakashi walked towards her with a worried look. Shinpi raised a hand. "I'm fine. What's going on?" Akio nodded at Kakashi. "The village leader has hired rogue ninja and he intends to exterminate this village." "Why?" Akio frowned. There was so much he wanted to tell her, that she needed to know and yet they were faced with fighting an enemy. Akio put his hand on her shoulder. "I promise, I will explain everything when all of this is over. The village leader moved much quicker than I expected." "Fine, but allow me to fight as well." Shinpi told him sternly. "Akio, she has every right to protect her village and her people just as you do." Kakashi tells him. Akio nodded. A man approached Akio and whispered in his ear. "That can't be. You're sure?" The man nodded and quickly left. Hiashi and Kakashi watched him and waited. The color seemed to drain from his face. And for a moment he seemed to sway. Kakashi took a step forward. Akio shook his head. "Somehow," He said. "A large number of the enemy are members of my own clan. They are intermingling with the rogue ninja." Hiashi seemed to smile. Kakashi looked at him. "We did reconnaissance on our way to your village. We found that there was a third village not far from here. It was camouflaged. But we were able to use our Byokugan and saw through it. That is why I brought many of our clan. Our ancestor had voiced a fear long ago that while he was here, there were many children who had disappeared. They were never found. The village leader had claimed that the children had been kidnapped by other nations and sold for profit." Akio's eyes widened. Hiashi continued. "I believe these are the descendants of those children. This may be hard for you to understand, but they are your enemies and they will not hesitate to kill you and your people." Akio nodded. The thought of killing his own clansmen made him sick. But he had to protect his own. Shinpi stood next to Kakashi and waited. After a moment, the door opened and they went outside to face their enemy.

     The Hyuga  members dispersed themselves among the men of the village. They were outnumbered by a few hundred. Kakashi nodded to Shinpi and she smiled before finding her own place. The women and children had been taken deep into the mines so that they would be safe. Hiashi stood next to Kakashi. He leaned over then and smiled. "Hatake, we will be able to take out the Uchiha in one fell swoop. Watch." Kakashi watched. Suddenly nineteen of the fighters from the hidden village simply fell over. Kakashi was shocked. After only a few more moments, the only ones left were the rogue ninja. Among them was the village leader. Kakashi heard him bellow as he watched his numbers fall. He began to hobble forward and got ahead of his hired thugs. Shinpi was gone before Kakashi could stop her. "Foolish child." Shinpi heard him whisper. She watched him and waited. Suddenly she felt a pain in her side. The leader hadn't even moved. She pulled the kunai out of her side and let it drop to the ground. "You'll die before you ever lay a hand on me." He told her. "You killed my mother. Why?" The leader laughed. "She thought she could get away and find help for her village. And it seems that she did." Shinpi held a kunai in her hand. If she was attacked again, she would be ready. How she wished she had the Sharingan. A slash appeared on her cheek. The leader saw the confusion on her face. "I only need to give the signal and they will deal the killing blow." He said smiling. Suddenly he froze. It was Shinpi's turn to smile. A man behind him screamed. The leader rubbed his eyes furiously as the ash blew into his eyes. The leader looked at her. "Turn around. I'll let you." The leader turned his head and found his men gone. When he faced Shinpi again he had a look of pain on his face. He lifted his hand in front of his face and watched as first his fingers, then his hand turned to ash. Shinpi felt a hand grip her shoulder. "No, Shinpi." She felt another hand grip her. Akio watched the leader. "If anyone deserves to bring you down, it would be my little sister. But you facing justice would be a benefit to everyone in my clan." Two members of the Anbu appeared behind the leader and he was knocked unconscious. "Kakashi, we will return him to Hozuki Castle immediately. The Hokage will be waiting for your report regarding this mission." Kakashi nodded. The Anbu were gone immediately. Shinpi turned to her brother. "We should deal with the wounded." He nodded. Kakashi stopped her before she could follow her brother. He could feel her shaking. Suddenly he pulled her into a hug. Shinpi didn't resist. She let him hold her for what seemed like forever. Thanks to the Hyuga, there were very few losses. 

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