Introduction <> Pages 1-4

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Let's just say, I'm not the greatest kid. I get in fights, and I don't like a lot of people. The only person I can stand is my younger sister, Millie. Anyway, let's begin. Imagine walking into a regular school. Picture the hallway, lined with classrooms. Now picture a hallway lined with prison cells. The cafeteria now turned into a place of fear. The library, once filled with knowledge, now houses those unable to cooperate. It doesn't feel the same, does it?

This is exactly what happened to Thornbush High after the government decided it would house the children as prisoners.  No child knows why. Maybe it was fear? Maybe anger? Regardless, that is where I am now. Or, going to be. The ward, who is responsible for me and me only, is walking us towards a heavy iron barred door. Behind this door, are other kids supposedly my age. Of course, many of us have grown up in this prison, so they may not be. I approach the iron door, one hand gripping the other as the former teacher swipes his card and the bars lift up.

"Hey, there's a newbie," whispered a male voice from the corner of the dark room. I didn't feel like listening.

"Move it bitch," said the ward before he pushed me into my knees and dragged me by my hair into the room. I didn't care. It's happened too many times already. I stayed on my knees the whole time. The ward didn't like that. Before I knew it, I had a taser on my back, pushing my body forward until I laid on my stomach.

"I'd suggest, that you behave from now on if you want to see your sister." That shut me up. They know my one and only weakness, my sister. The only thing they can torture me with in this hell hole. As I have always done, I shoved my anger down to the floor as far as it would go. After the ward left, I sat up from my defeated position before I was met with a person twice my size several feet ahead of me.

"What'd you do to guarantee yourself a ticket here?" he asked.

"Why do you care?" I snapped back.

"Feisty aren't ya," he snickered, but left me alone.  I trudged to a corner and shoved my butt back into the wall as far as it would allow. And before I knew it, I was asleep.


The next day was a market day. It just means that we chain our wrists together and eat food. Sometimes, the younger ones get to play with each other. My sister is part of that group. After walking away from the food station, towards the utensils, I noticed something rather strange. The cooks equipment was new. So were the tables. The program didn't bring in the kind of money to afford that. Unless.... I had to check the utensils to be sure. I swiped a spoon before being forced to eat the "okay" food.

"Just as I suspected I thought to myself, "nicer utensils. Not plastic." I took the spoon with me back to our room. I quickly walked back to the corner I'd fallen asleep in and examined it further. I found what I was looking for.

"Property of the Government of the United States of America," I recited to myself.

"Then I was right." I said aloud.

"Right about what?" asked a kid about a year younger than me. He was tall and had a brace on his left wrist. I showed him the spoon. He looked at me like a puppy would look at a cucumber.

"What's a spoon gonna do?" He asked.

"Let me explain. The cooks equipment, the tables, and the utensils are all new. The program doesn't have enough money to do this on their own," I said. The boy's eyes widened in realization.

"That means the government is funding their project." He exclaimed.

"It also means we have to get out. Now."


Hello Lovelies! This is an original story created by Yours Truly. It is a dystopian series so if you're not into depressing stuff, this isn't the book for you. Sorry for gramatical errors or mistakes in general. Bye!

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