Getting Out of Here...hopefully <> pages 16-18

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A/N ~ so, I made a mistake and put this in 3rd person when it should've been in first person (I, me, my.) SORRY!!!! Enjoy anyway!!!! -_-


An eighth grader, by the name of Ava, came running up to Jaxon. She had been positioned at the back of the crowd to alert the group if someone was coming. Her arrival only proved the worst.
"What is it Ava?" Zandra asked, trying not to show fear.

"They're coming. Officers just ran out of the side door."

"Thank you Ava." Zandra slowly turned to address the crowd.
"Listen up! We need to board the buses quickly! Sixth and one half of seventh grade will join Gavin on his bus. The other half of seventh and all of eighth grade will join me."

Millie moved to join Gavin's bus.
"Uh-uh. You're coming with me." Said Zandra.

On the bus, Millie and Zandra talked about everything that they had missed in each other's lives. Millie had several funny stories about her and her several "boyfriends."

"Wow. You've become quite the heartbreaker have you?" Zandra joked.

"Yeah. Oh! I forgot. The guards threatened to put me in your cell. Your old one," said Millie with a shudder.

"Why?" The older sibling asked.

"I think they found out I was a key part in your previous plan. Though, I think they were skeptical because of my age. I'm only twelve so..." Millie trailed off.

"Yeah. That really wasn't my best plan," said Zandra, wistful look on her face.

"No, it really wasn't, but the principal's kid got out," Millie shot back.

"Remember what he said to you?"

"Do I?" Zandra said with a groan. The principal's kid is a well-known heartthrob. Almost every girl had some kind of crush on him. However, the boy decided to confess to me. I was in sixth, and he was in seventh. It was kind of awkward. Plus, I wasn't sure about any of my feelings back then. If I did like anyone, it wasn't him.

"Millie...Zandra...come in." Gavin's voice came over the wallow speaker.

"We're here Gavin," Millie stated into the speaker.

"We've been followed." Gavin's voice gets cut off by the sound of broken glass.

"Gavin!" Millie yells into the walkie-talkie. There is no reply.

"GAVIN!" Zandra shouts into the walkie. Also no response.

"Look!" yells someone at the back of the bus. Millie sprints to the back of the bus. Zandra looks up so she can see the overhead mirror.



Heyo! Author here! I'm still so incredibly sorry about writing this chapter wrong. Other than that, I hope you enjoyed and I'm sorry that I made some mistakes. Love ya! :)

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