The Great Escape <> Pages 10-15

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The morning after my fit, I needed to assemble the kids in the room. But first, I had to make sure we weren't going to be spied on. I got on a chair and, with the spoon from yesterday, I cut the black and yellow wires hanging below the security cameras. The only problem was, I couldn't do both at once. I asked Jaxon to cut the other one.

"And how do you suppose I do that? We only have one spoon," he said. I took a bobby pin I kept stored in my hair and gave it to him.

"Use this. It has a sharp edge on the right side." I handed the pin to him. He took the pin and copied me, well, he tried to. He ended up cutting every wire, not just the black and yellow ones. It doesn't really matter though. The black and yellow ones were for the audio, the red was the video.

"Now the wards will be so confused and come down here to see what happened. Wake everyone up, quickly!" I shouted at Jaxon. Some of the kids were annoyed but most of them were curious as to why Jaxon has come and punched them in the shoulder.

"We don't have a ton of time. We have to escape now," I explained, "Our goal right now is to evacuate as many kids as we can, starting with the older ones. If we fail this, well, let's just say we may not survive." At that, the murmuring broke out.

"Shut up! Let the woman speak," a female voice rang out. My blue embers met those green cat-like ones and I knew who had shouted.

"Thank you Blake," I said looking at the pale head, "Stay in groups of three or four and don't separate. Make sure no kid is left behind. After that, head to the back parking lot, we ride out of here tonight." Just then, the jingle of keys could be heard outside the door. We shut up and I crept toward the door.

"Evening, Officer Green," I said to the former eighth grade teacher.

"Shut up and move Zandra." He said through the barred door.

"Oh come on Officer," I said with a smirk, "what's the rush?"

"I can't do this. I can't live like this anymore. If you find my daughter, help her," he said. Officer Green I locked the door and signaled us to get moving.
"How old is your daughter?" I asked.
"She is kept in the same room as your sister Millie. Don't make me regret this, Zandra." I nodded at the man before assigning the groups. I put Blake and her gang in one group, and Jaxon was with me and a girl named Erin. Every group had one taller person, and one person equipped with a lock pick. Just kidding, we weren't given those. Everybody had a bobby pin or a screwdriver of some sort.
"Alright. LETS DO THIS! I shouted to the twenty or so of us before dashing out the door with my group. Blake's group followed suite and we were off. Four people went down every hallway. My group went to the left with Blake since I had a mission. I was to free Millie and Mr. Green's daughter. I stumbled upon Millie's class's door.

"SIS!" shouted Millie. She cake up and held my hand through the bars.
"Hey Mil, listen, I'm looking for Mr. Green's daughter. I remember her name being Caroline or Carolyn or something."

"HEY CAROLYN!" shrieked Millie. A shy girl with rosey brown hair stepped forward.
"Your dad set our group free," I said with a smile at the hazel-eyes girl, "my job is to help you escape. Are you coming?" The young girl, who had probably been in this hell-hole since birth nodded and I picked the lock on their cell door. Because they were younger, they did not have the same level of security as our door did, so it was an easy breakthrough. I took Mr. Green's daughter by the hand and hoped that the others would follow. I jogged down the hallway and rejoined with my group by the stairs.
"Millie, take them to the back parking lot. I'll meet you there." Millie nodded and continued jogging with her classmates down the hallway. I went up the stairs to find Jaxon, Blake and Wyatt (a boy in Jaxon's group) cornered by two wards. I closed my eyes and crept up behind the officers. I knocked one out with a hand to the shoulder, but the other turned and grabbed my hand.

"Ah. Miss Smith, I thought you might be behind this. What a shame, this plan might be easier than your last," the officer said with a devilish smile. He grabbed his taser and tased me in the side. After the shock, I fell to the floor. The officer continued to force the taser into my side while Blake, Wyatt and Jaxon tried to get free. Jaxon was free first, and he kneed the officer in the stomach. He then picked the taser up and pointed it at the guy's face.
"Night night," was all he said before tasing the guy in the face. Once the officer was knocked out, Jaxon helped Blake and Wyatt up and then threw one of my arms over his shoulder.
"You okay Zandra?" he asked, worry hinting in his voice.

"Yeah. Just weak," was my reply before stumbling towards the stairs.

"Sorry, but you aren't going to walk," stayed Jaxon, before he threw me over his shoulder and sprinted towards the stairs, Blake and Wyatt flanking him. We came down the stairwell on the sixth grade side and sprinted out the back doors to the parking lot. I saw the rest of the kids there, but there was a person missing.
"Where's Millie?" I asked. Jaxon put me on the ground and walked me over to Millie's classmates.
"She insisted on driving," said Carolyn. Right after she said that, two large school buses rounded the corner, and the one leading was driven none other than my sister Millie, who then honked the horn and opened the door.

"Come on Zandra, we don't have all day!"

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