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One of the officers at the facility had been hidden on the back of the bus the entire time, but had suddenly chosen to climb through the bus, in order to get to Gavin. Knowing she has to continue driving, Zandra turns back around to face the road, only to notice she's been driving into oncoming traffic. Zandra grabs the wheel and pulls it as hard as she can to her right, the bus swerves out of the way.........

But also off the edge of the road. The bus drives through the grass for a second, before losing a wheel  to a ditch and tipping over. The second bus that Gavin is driving has followed suite, as it has been railing Zandra. The officer that had clambered into the bus, leaped out at the last second. As soon as her bus stopped involuntarily moving, Zandra opened the door and sprinted to the back of Bus 641 (Gavin's.)  The brown-haired girl, after checking to make sure no one was injured, stomped over to the officer laying further away and kicked him.

"Why did you follow us? Who are you?" Zandra asked, angrily trying to flip the guy around. As soon as she did, she understood who had followed them.

"I'm so sorry Officer Green," she said, "I had no idea it was you."

"It's quite alright I wouldn't have expected anything less."

"Want to explain why you were hanging on for dear life on the back of a bus on a highway?"

"I had to follow and make sure I could guarantee you safety, you're very valuable you know," said the man.

"Also," the officer paused to cover a button on his jacket, "I came to warn you that the other officials are looking for you. You must run. I'm being forced to do this. They think I'm a suspect, so this may be the last time I see my daughter."
Zandra nodded and walked to the back of Gavin's bus, climbed in, and came out holding Carolyn against herself. Officer Green, continuing to cover the button, went up to his daughter and apologized. Carolyn didn't move a muscle until her father was done taking, but embraced him as though it was the last time she would see his face, as it very well may be. Officer Green, after letting go of his daughter, beckoned for Zandra to come closer.

"I need you to act as though we've just fought a great battle and I've lost. Punch me or something," he said, a small smile on his face.

Zandra looked at him weird before punching him across the face, breaking his nose.

"Ah Shit," the officer cried as he stumbled to the ground.

"Let's Go!" yelled Zandra at the buses, before running into the woods, the other 60-ish kids following her.


After some time, the kids came upon a gas station, that was completely deserted. The store, still running, was an immediate lightbulb in the kids brains. They ran toward it and gathered as much food as they could stuff into the small bags they'd found by the door to the store. Zandra walked to the back of the store and was surprised at what she saw, and who the other person seemed to be.

From inside the store, Millie and Jaxon had gathered the kids and had gone back in to look for their leader, when a small shout sounded from the back parking lot of the gas station. Millie made it out of the back door first, and what she saw shook her to the bone. Her older sister, tied in handcuffs, writhing on the ground, with a tall figure looming over her. Millie didn't get a chance to make a sound, but Jaxon didn't hesitate. He yelled at the figure, but received no reply.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?! Get away from her!!"
The figure didn't move, didn't speak, didn't acknowledge their presence. When he finally spoke, it was not a greeting, nor a remark, simply a command, to someone in the darkness of the night.

"Bring her to me."

The voice was cold, and serious, as though every syllable was important. It was not evil, but not so kind. It was a deadly, deep, disastrous calm, that Jaxon had never heard before. But the person that the other figure brought out, was certainly someone he recognized. The figure stepped forward, holding Carolyn in a chokehold with a gun to her head. The first man, as figured out by his voice, left Zandra and walked over to the pair of kids and Carolyn.

"So nice to see my baby sister again. It's nice to finally see you again, Carolyn Green. I hope you don't mind me beating your friend here, for, you see, she attempted to protect you. I'm glad that she no longer has a bargaining chip."

The man who claimed to be Carolyn's brother walked away from the three kids, towards Zandra, and said...

"Ah Zandra. Why couldn't you behave yourself just one time. Now look where it's gotten you, and your friends. You should stop with these plans, they don't suit you. In fact, neither does this outfit. I should've known you'd lost your taste in style. Poor crying, whimpering, helpless little Zan. Maybe I should introduce myself to the others. Hello everyone, my name is Thomas Green, and I was Zandra's closest friend. We had tried to escape many times, but I was given an offer I just can't refuse."

The man crept over to Millie, and whispered,

"I will be given 100 thousand dollars and all I have to do, is take your sister's head. No biggie. It's not like there's anything in there anyway."

Carolyn struggles against her holder and slipped out of his arms, only to lunge at Thomas and punch him in the face, knocking him unconscious. Thomas, unfortunately was faster, and pushed the button on the remote in his left hand. The very button that previously shocked Zandra. The very button the tortured her, until she too was unconscious.


Hello Lovelies. This story will be continuing in 3rd person. I intend for this story to have two outcomes so you might want to be on the lookout on my Quotev page to catch the other version. Here's the link:

You may have to copy and paste it. I know the title is different. The title on my Quotev is the original title and I have yet to change it. Anyway, expect and update within the next week. Love you all! Stay safe!!
(Wow - 1,109 words not including these)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2020 ⏰

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